Storey Wilson is also in business and his prices are not cheap, $198 + $26 shipping for his EAS buddy plus you might get caught for VAT and duty by the customs, that equates to £154, compare that to BBS, £116.90 plus P&P for a box that does the same job. Looks quite reasonable to me.
Low volume product always cost more, your cheap £50 code readers are mass market products that will work on literally 10's of millions of vehicles, the P38 is a low volume product and an increasingly rare beast, even if every owner bought a BBS code reader the volumes would still be relatively low. Wilsons business model is different to BBS, Wilson appears to be aiming at the DIY market, BBS seems to aim at the professional market but with the DIY market as a no doubt profitable add on.
I used to design and manufacture micro controllers, I know how much time and effort goes into making this stuff, if BBS Guy gets rich from his efforts then bloody good luck to him.

Wammers, if you want a really cheap code reader for your diesel engine ECU, buy a couple of inches of wire and 2 spade connectors, connect pin 4 to pin 15 on the OBD connector, turn on the ignition and count the flashes on the MIL light. You need to be quick and able to write without looking at the paper or you will miss some flashes. The 2 digit codes go from 12 to 97 with some gaps.

Yes i agree Wilsons products are not cheap, but the EASunlock software is free and the components to make it work are also. OK so you have to use a laptop with it and the Kicker can be carried around in the glove box, but to get the same functionality with the Kicker it will cost you well over a hundred quid more. So in the long run it is a choice buyers have to make. They are plainly both out to make money but one of them is not constantly on here trying to pedal his wares, the other one is. The cheapest solution for sorting EAS out and servicing it is without doubt the EASunlock and i cannot see anyone producing anything cheaper. Maybe Storey Wilson missed the boat making it public property. The 20% discount being offered by BBS is actually 2.5% less than you or i would get if we bought direct from him and took more than 20 units. That information is on his web site. So he is not being the, as some people seem to think, saviour of home mechanics. Just selling units.
Its all yo own fault. You will buy heaps of ****e with more computers than NASA!

you dont pull punches when hippoo owners bleat "my head gasket has gorn"

If you cant afford to run a rangie - dont get one :rolleyes:
Its all yo own fault. You will buy heaps of ****e with more computers than NASA!

you dont pull punches when hippoo owners bleat "my head gasket has gorn"

If you cant afford to run a rangie - dont get one :rolleyes:

Sadly it's the way of the world these days every new vehicle is the same. Of course the people who used stone axes possibly said the same about bronze ones no doubt. But i personally think there was a lot to be said for stone axes, at least you could sharpen them yourself without the need to by an expensive computer controlled whet stone.
Its all yo own fault. You will buy heaps of ****e with more computers than NASA!

I was talking about this with a mate the other day. We were wondering if there is a car in production anywhere (I mean a proper car and not some eco-shopping trolley) without any ecu's that has good old carbs on and that runs mechanical things with chains and belts and electrical things with nothing more complicated than relays. In other words something deliberately built to be rugged and to last. We couldn't come up with one. :(
They're probably still producing lada rivas in russia. They were still producing VW beetles in Mexico a few years back, don't know if they still are or if they've upgraded to an early golf.

I know exactly what you're talking about though. i doubt though that you could get anything on carbs through emission tests. Having said that people will always tell you that EFI is 10 times more reliable than carbs.
They're probably still producing lada rivas in russia. They were still producing VW beetles in Mexico a few years back, don't know if they still are or if they've upgraded to an early golf.

I know exactly what you're talking about though. i doubt though that you could get anything on carbs through emission tests. Having said that people will always tell you that EFI is 10 times more reliable than carbs.

Don't know about that but i do know i have a dumper fitted with a two cylinder Petters 18HP diesel that never fails to run. And an old and i mean old mixer with a single cylinder Lister that started first turn after being overgrown in garden for two years. So reliablity does not have to be complicated.
Don't know about that but i do know i have a dumper fitted with a two cylinder Petters 18HP diesel that never fails to run. And an old and i mean old mixer with a single cylinder Lister that started first turn after being overgrown in garden for two years. So reliablity does not have to be complicated.

Yeah, but both of those are diesels! Those old Listers would nearly run on waste oil:p:p
Yeah, but both of those are diesels! Those old Listers would nearly run on waste oil:p:p

Filter the waste oil through a gauze add 50% paraffin and they will run off it. I have yet to find a common rail diesel as reliable as them.:):)
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Filter the waste oil through a gauze add 50% paraffin and they will run off it. I have yet to find a common rail diesel as reliable as them.:):)

I don't think you ever again will. Those things were designed to last a lifetime when the phrase meant just that, not lifetime = 10years you have now. We used have them on old centrifugal pumps, there was just no end to them. Noisy buggers though:eek::eek:
good point about the morris in india. they call it an Ambassador there, most run on gas 'or diesel. i know they've been slowly and steadily upgrading those cars for years while keeping the outside the same. would be interesting to find out if they've put in ecus.

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