you also have problems when it comes to wading.

2 water troughs that look similar but .......

[ame=""]YouTube - Tango wading[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - I'm glad I didn't drive through that[/ame]
Heh, that's brilliant!!

Simple first one, nice and steady ..

..... and really good technique on the second, slow and steady enough to not bounce over the rocks/holes/whatever's underneath, but enough momentum to carry him through.

Nice pair of videos those, thanks .. ;)
andyb66 - Yes we strayed off the track for that bit, there was already tracks there so were guessing the army had been up and down it before. Its all military there.
Thanks for that. I am always on the look out for potential new site for RTVs and was hoping that maybe it belonged to someone that you knew.

Nevermind, thanks for reply :)
Andy I snapped my cam belt this morning...don't suppose you have an impact socket I could borrow do you ?
200 or 300 TDi?

It's either a 30 or 27mm one, respectively. I know I have a deep 27mm one, have to check for a 30mm.....I should have one.

I think Mrs Andyb has a DIY day planned for me tomorrow, so give me and ring and I'll check and let you know. :)
OK I got a deep 27mm.....I use it for wheel nuts. :)

Give me a call tomorrow morning and I'll met you down there.
SO wot did he do wrong there (asks someone who has never been offroad)? Did he touch the brakes or is a 101 just too top heavy for that terrain in those conditions?

not sure but he aint the only one to have rolled something big there by the looks of this vid
[ame=""]YouTube - ARMY FODEN Sgt Richie Cousins REME - mishap![/ame]

27 tonne of steel and I'm gonna be taught to drive it:D:D

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