
New Member
Do I really need the fan cowl on my 90?

Only ask because one of the rubber connecting bushe's ( top) has perished, and bust.

Tryed to find a new one, but given up.

So, I was thinking of removing the cover completely.:eek:
If it wasn’t needed it probably would not be there - the effectiveness of the cooling system will be reduced.

Your vehicle would run with most of the exhaust missing, but you’d not consider doing that would you?
Allegedly it dunt make any difference if you remove the fan let alone the cowl, specialy in winter. If you reely want to take it off run the engine for a good while without going anywhere and keep an eye on the temp gauge just to see what happens.
Errr.... no I certainly wouldn't run my truck with most of the zorst off.:rolleyes:

Thanks Grunt, that's what I heard.

I'll take it off, run it, and see what happens.
Ive been running with mine of for the last month or so, after having a few troubles with the bottom aux drive pulley coming undone.

Its been fine
If you do remove the fan and the cowl make sure you keep a supply of bacon and eggs in the vehicle - sooner are later the weather will get hot again, and at some point you will find yourself in a few miles of slow moving stop start traffic, and it wont be long before your engine is hot enough to cook on.

Do you really want to run the risk of damaging your engine due to overheating just to save the few hours it might take to fix whatever problem you have with the cowl or the fan ?
I still run with the fan fitted and havnt experienced any high/abnormal temps.

The fan cowl is in the back of the landy so IF it does start gettin a tad warm i'll re fit it :)
Yep.... the cowl is off, and running temp is fine, and today has been warm - and I've been stuck behind a few Emmits ( believe me they do drive at snails pace), and the temp gauge hasn't moved from where it normally sits.

So, until I find some new bushes - it's staying off:D
More than likely the main reason it's there is to keep your fingers out of the fan rather than to channel the air flow. Working on older landies that don't have cowls duz make you nervous as it would be easy to lose a finger or two.

Modern injuns don't need big plastic covers over them that take half an hour to get orf before you can even reach a spark plug.............but they're there all the same!
My 110 had no cowl and was actually fine. I went the pacet electric fan route to be safe but it hardly ever switches on except on the hottest days.

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