go to a different garage.

Kwik fit do mine......it surprised me, but they knew what they were about! :eek:

Guy took the thing round the block for 10 mins to check the brakes and warm it up (i get mine done in December). Still couldn't get enough heat in to the oil, but did a visual test and put it on the smoke test. My engine is knacked and drinks oil, but it still passes.
Thanks for all the tips.
I did a few things..
Changed the oil & filter, and while on the ramp changed the gearbox oil & tranny oil.
Retarded the fuel pump.
changed the oil in the air filter
fitted new fuel filter
added fuel additive (injection cleaner).

took it to the shop and back before putting the air filter back on (in case i needed to tweak the pump again).

did my own visual check and it looked 1000% better.

stuck the air filter back on drove home. did another check and this time it looked just as bad again?

So.. I took the oil out of the air filter this morning just in case and drove it about, checked it and it was good again..

straight to the garage (the long way up a bloody great hill) engine nice and hot.. quick visual check. Fantastic!.

Left it idling outside the garage while he got off the bog and then drove it in.

He said. "Give it a rev" and i grinned to myself knowing it was so much better.

Holy Bannannas! it chucked a big cloud of smoke out, so he just shrugged?

checked the rest of the fail list (King pin, bulbs & loose tow bar) and "said. please take it outside" then disappeared into the back.

He came out with a pass certificate ? I was sure it had failed, but it Passed. Fan bloody Tastic. But How?

Now I need to put the oil back in the filter, top up the oil in the engine (i took it on low), re set the pump and wallah! its no bloody different?

what went wrong? or right even?

could the air filter be fookt.

any way. pass is a pass :D thanks for al the help
Hi All.

It just dawned on me that i didn't reset the pump after the MOT.

to be honest it still smokes like hell despite turning the thing and doing all the other stuff.

It smoked a lot less when i ran it without an air filter.. is that big black thing called an air filter?

Any way, i should really put this pump thing back.. is there a best way to do this re getting the best results. it does seem to be lacking in the acceleration dept. if i hit a slight incline it just sits at the same revs until im onthe flat again (or is this how they work).

many thanks again.

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