
New Member
top tip for your faded plastics, rub in smooth peanut butter and then buff up with a clean dry cloth, think im joking, give it a try, i thought my mate was pulling my leg, he wasnt, great results for,,,,, wait for it, peanuts ! :D
''bumper pack'' from a local shop does the trick a lot better and is as easy as spraying waiting a few mins and rubbing off. lasts for weeks.

and it only costs 1.99 a can :)
''bumper pack'' from a local shop does the trick a lot better and is as easy as spraying waiting a few mins and rubbing off. lasts for weeks.

and it only costs 1.99 a can :)

Don't go spoiling their fun:doh: cooking oil next
My votes for lindseed oil...

The polling station attendents looked at me a bit funny...



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