
Active Member
I was browsing an online parts catalogue this morning when I stumbled across a genuine parts listing for a Discovery Hard Top! It was listed for the Danish market, the part number of the hard top is STC7156, here's a picture:


Has anyone encountered one of these rare beasts? I've seen plenty of chopped about Discos but never a factory model, anyone got any pictures etc?? :confused:
That looks like it would be a true single cab job along the lines of a three door that IS interesting !
Swiss and Dutch markets had them due 110s failing their emmissions rule so a Disco 'flat bed' was produced to take the 110 pickups place. The British Army tested prototype disco pickups in the first Gulf War as the army commeanders were impressed with the D1 then.

I've yet to see a disco cabriolet but some were made for customers from the Middle East.. where else.:)
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Swiss and Dutch markets had them due 110s failing they emmissions rules so a Disco 'flat bed' was produced to take the 110 pickups place.

any pictures or links to pics of the above? I've seen the Army "challenger" prototype based on the disco, just wondering if the swiss/dutch version is any different
Thats some interesting reading about the prototypes. Someone got a steal winning that truck cab for £21, the parts listing was around £1500 new!! Must exaust all google searches to find a swiss truck cab... ;)
theres a welder near me that loves his discos (makes all the guards/rock sliders etc for them) and he has at least 10 old discos in his yard for spares etc plus a few big american trucks, he has a red top sitting in his yard that ive always wondered what it was for/from as it looks very Diso like, I think this thread has just answered that, I see him quite often, would anyone be intrested in me seeing what hes doing with it and if he wants to part with it?

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