
New Member
Hi everyone.

I have just got a freelander SE on a 54 plate and it has two factory fitted DVD players in the back.

One problem... How do you turn them on? I've tried pressing the on button but nothing from either of them.

Any ideas please.
I'd suggest you've already proved your worth to the forum by asking the village idiot a question to which you yourself have no idea of the answer.
I'd suggest you've already proved your worth to the forum by asking the village idiot a question to which you yourself have no idea of the answer.
Your old jealous because I took your job title :p .. It's just a stab in the dark, you never know it may work!
:p.. is there not a button on the display casing you can press and hold for a few seconds?

Thanks Airborne.
Yea I have tried pressing it and holding it down. I am thinking its maybe fuse related problem. They look brand new and I do not think that it would be the case that both of them have the same fault ?

Thanks Laz

I'd suggest you've already proved your worth to the forum by asking the village idiot a question to which you yourself have no idea of the answer

Trust me if there was a button on here to stop people with an IQ of less then an 8 year old from posting on my threads, I would press it....

Are you one of these people that still lives with mum sitting at home all day in his bedroom trolling forums looking for a quick fix ego boost?

Please dont post any more posts making yourself look even more like a nob end.

To everyone else (normal)
Genuine Replies about the DVD headrest welcome. :)
Trust me if there was a button on here to stop people with an IQ of less then an 8 year old from posting on my threads, I would press it....

Wow, suggestions to improve the website from someone who joined a day ago, didnt use the 'Introduce Yourself' section and didn't take any time to get the feel of the place.

Are you one of these people that still lives with mum sitting at home all day in his bedroom trolling forums looking for a quick fix ego boost?

No, but it sounds like you hang out with a lot of them seeing as you have a very accurate description

Please dont post any more posts making yourself look even more like a nob end.

Who the feck are you to tell me where to post? You can't even figure out how to turn a dvd player on!

To everyone else (normal)
Genuine Replies about the DVD headrest welcome. Burn it :)

don't think they were factory fit mate...time to get busy stripping down the seat chasing the wiring....

As Marky don't **** off them tratter boys until you've been on here a while....else they just circle like vultures!
This forums all about **** taking but in the end includes some sound advise.........grow a thick skin and roll with the blows
Hi everyone.

I have just got a freelander SE on a 54 plate and it has two factory fitted DVD players in the back.

One problem... How do you turn them on? I've tried pressing the on button but nothing from either of them.

Any ideas please.

Are they definitely PLAYERS? If they're just screens then they might only operate if the remote player (under a seat?) is fired up.
Or, is one a player and the other a slave screen? in this set up you have to power the player up for the other to work.
Have you tried powering them with the ignition on?

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