Thats the only thing I miss about the group, the thickness of a lot of the people on there! The wanting owt for nowt thing makes me laugh too
"Anyone know why reverse gear is crunching and won't go in? Will I need a new gearbox?"


Amazing how many on there simply cannot think for themselves, I'm amazed they're not pleading for advice about which hand to use when they wipe their arses.
"My tyre is flat can anyone tell me why and if I can get it fixed free of charge as I'm not going to pay for it"
Amazing how many on there simply cannot think for themselves, I'm amazed they're not pleading for advice about which hand to use when they wipe their arses.
"My tyre is flat can anyone tell me why and if I can get it fixed free of charge as I'm not going to pay for it"

Ah, well that one is usually down to the council not fixing potholes. So sometimes, yes, you can get it done for free by claiming back off them :D

Not that I have.

There are some proper muppets on there.
Someone posted on another page today saying his spring was moving on the strut, and asking whether he had worn bushes or bearings...

Didn't like when I posted up asking how the hell someone else is meant to know what's wrong with their car!
I'm out, I just can't hack it anymore. I could of seen some potential in there but it's the blind leading the blind on a budget. I removed the group off my news feed because I was fed up with the repetitive no brain questions but then I thought do I even want to be part of the group
If I get fed up of here I just don't go on tapatalk, the owners club was on my newsfeed and it's a bombardment of ****e every time I pop on Facebook when I should be doing other things

Yeah Just Defenders and Series was the same.

How much is this worth?
Which fluffy dice do you think looks best?
How low can I get my Defender??? :confused:

Not to mention ignorant gob****es :(

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