Oh dear, this group will go the same way as most FB groups - it'll be a small group of people posting **** that they find interesting/amusing that everybody else just gets ****ed off with and alienated.

I'm on a couple of fishing groups like this, the only reason I stay on them and let the **** get posted to me 'feed' is that I might find out where's fishing well, but I can see no reason to stay on 1 for Freelanders.

I shall give it a couple more days, them probably remove myself from it.

Post 1 (currently 5 hours ago)

Hello everyone I have been going back through a lot of old posts and I have noticed that there are less than favourable comments on some people's posts.

whilst I understand some mods may not be to everyone's liking and everyone has their own opinion I will not stand for derogatory remarks or people dissing other people's modifications or upgrades.

if you cannot be polite or not make derogatory remarks please refrain from commenting at all .

This group is here for help advice and general chat and to show other people what modifications they have made. If I find that people are not listening or keep posting bad and derogatory remarks I will remove you from this group without hesitation.

Lest make this group one that has a friendly atmosphere and offers helpful advice.

Post 2 : (currently 1 hour ago)

Right seen as events over the last couple days have happen i have now got to right this post and i know some people wont agree with what im about to say.
all i have done from the start of making with truely wonderful club is try and make everyone happy and now after talking to a mate i understand i cant do that and im sorry i cant but all i can say is this is a family club and i don't like to see other people mods/freelanders dis in any way shape or form so all i can say is if you don't like it don't comment i don't want any arguments upsets or at worst remove people as i see everyone as equal

so from me the chairman i now need everyone to get on or if u don't like its upto u not to comment that's all i have to say
I was thinking of quitting the group.
I haven't posted anything but there's a lot of crud on there.
If I wanted crud, I'd buy a tratter :rofl:
Someone posted a link to some cheap **** strobe lights on ebay and I called them tat.

How dare you! If Doris wants to put crappy lights on her Freelander, you should not point out that they are crappy - all the members of the group should have empathy and go out and buy crappy lights.

I did put my thoughts onto the FB thread and it resulted in about 200 posts starting off about my post but rapidly turning into crud Bukko describes from about 4 people.
One member the other day posted about "recycling" 57k old brake discs by dipping them in a solvent cleaner and shot blasting them... which ironically costs more than a new disc!!
Pointing out that its likely largely dangerous got a reply of "well I like to recycle", not the sort of "advice" I'd want someone to be reading!! They were well well worn too.

Then yesterday, the post about the dodgy homebrew lift kit really got my back up (as some might have seen), aint it funny how everyone becomes an engineer when the boot fits!!

Tis becoming a little bit of a joke that page, as has been said, just a small bunch of clowns posting sh!te that they find funny that everyone else gets annoyed at!
Your right - I think that our type of banter and such like is too much for the over sensitive types that seem to frequent the pages......

I think I might pull the plug on the page if things stay the way they are looking......
Simon I was with you on the spacers debate.

Those looked a disaster waiting to happen. I know which ones I'd rather have on my Freelander - they'll be made in the north east :)

There's some precious little souls on that group
I agree with you too simon. With both the rusty tacked together spacers and the recycled disks. Why mess like that with the most important parts of your car. Tyres, brakes, steering and suspension are all things you just shouldn't be tight on!
Wow there are a lot of ex landyzone types on there. What happened to make them dislike here so much?? That wasn't what I went to read!
The amount of times we have been told to play nicely maybe they didn't like the banter? Or harsh reality?
I think the problem is it's about 4 blokes who like to give each other the reach around, and if anyone has an opinion contra to what they think then you're in trouble with the "chairman".

It's got "bodge mods" written all over it! There was a feature in a well known modified car magazine many years back about really badly modified cars, just need to have a quick look at theirs to see the way they're going!

And yes, the "oh it's everyone from LZ causing problems" was a little too far!
Gets quite awkward for me too, for example last night 2 of my customers were arguing on there (posts have since been deleted), could see the merit in both their arguments, however I'm just going to open myself a massive can of sh!t if I post anything on either side of the fence!

Also made me laugh that I was apparently posting negative comments about those dodgy lift kits out of "commercial interest", not based on facts... But like I said to them, if someone wants to pay £20 for a lift kit, they're not going to pay up to £150 for a kit, that's not my market! I don't deal in bodge jobs! Most of them had a heart attack when I told them what a proper lift kit costs!
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