Someones selling a car on there, new tyres on front, prop shaft in boot:rolleyes:

Anyone see the argument on there this afternoon that I might have been involved in? :D

Apparently they don't like LZ banter, it's not welcome on there
Think I stopped a punch up between Kizzeh and a big Scotsman a little while ago........

And Rob has sent me a friend request!
Does anyone know how to stop Group messages coming up on my News feed? I'd like to stay part of the group so I can have a looksie every now and then, but I'm getting ****ed off with all the drivel getting in the way of the stuff I'm on Facebook for!
You can stop notifications for each post coming up by clicking the arrow at top of the post after you've commented

We're all special on LZ, but at least we have banter and aren't always told to play nice like good little children
There was some confusing stuff on there, could only surmise that there were some posts that had been deleted or PMs flying around, cos it didn't add up!
They are very proactive at deleting posts. I think I just need a notification each time simon says something because there's normally an argument around there's somwhere :)
Apparently I'm good at offending people... If only they knew that most of the time I'm just doing it for a laugh, was howling earlier
I got an apology after my argument.
Well...he tagged the wrong person but I think he ment me

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