Seems to be a reoccurring question, truth is nobody really knows, F424 NPE seems to have been cloned several times, reports of it's whereabouts bounce around, I was told by Billy Martindale in 2010 that it was owned by some Canadian guy who has it in storage in Northampton, but who knows really. There was a listing for F424 on eBay a few years back, but it was observed by the keen eyed that the door hinges were wrong for a 89 F reg for it to be the real car, like I said, who knows now?
Seems to be a reoccurring question, truth is nobody really knows, F424 NPE seems to have been cloned several times, reports of it's whereabouts bounce around, I was told by Billy Martindale in 2010 that it was owned by some Canadian guy who has it in storage in Northampton, but who knows really. There was a listing for F424 on eBay a few years back, but it was observed by the keen eyed that the door hinges were wrong for a 89 F reg for it to be the real car, like I said, who knows now?
Thanks - Very interesting
Surely whenever it was sold it must have been the original?
and a fake could never be passed off as the original as even a plate change would show up on a hpi check?
Many stories are thrown about F424, what I know is it was handed back to the finance company that legally still owned it in the late 90's by Essex Police, interior cleaned etc, it then went through a auction in Essex, Colchester or Chelmsford I cant remember where it was sold, its reportedly seen sitting in a compound in Harlow in the early 2000's where it was in one piece but looking a bit rough. F424 then appears on eBay for a few days in 2003 and is taken down early after a bit of fuss is made about it. All other sightings, copies, there was even a speed camera on the M25 in Surrey that captured a similar RR with the number plate were publicised years ago have amounted to nothing.

Like I said Billy Boy Martindale, who I only loosely knew through going green laning around Ongar with him a few times said, a chap from Canada bought it and was waiting for it to be over 25 years old s he could import it, it was all restored and was in storage in Northampton somewhere, and that was in 2010, poor Billy is dead now, bless him, so I don't know any more than that. But I cant see why he would lie about it.
Many stories are thrown about F424, what I know is it was handed back to the finance company that legally still owned it in the late 90's by Essex Police, interior cleaned etc, it then went through a auction in Essex, Colchester or Chelmsford I cant remember where it was sold, its reportedly seen sitting in a compound in Harlow in the early 2000's where it was in one piece but looking a bit rough. F424 then appears on eBay for a few days in 2003 and is taken down early after a bit of fuss is made about it. All other sightings, copies, there was even a speed camera on the M25 in Surrey that captured a similar RR with the number plate were publicised years ago have amounted to nothing.

Like I said Billy Boy Martindale, who I only loosely knew through going green laning around Ongar with him a few times said, a chap from Canada bought it and was waiting for it to be over 25 years old s he could import it, it was all restored and was in storage in Northampton somewhere, and that was in 2010, poor Billy is dead now, bless him, so I don't know any more than that. But I cant see why he would lie about it.

Thanks for that detailed response and certainly sounds as if it is tucked up in storage as you say. It makes sense why the guy doesn't have it for sale at the minute if he is waiting on it to be over 25 before exporting.
Actually,I just did a DVLA check on it, and F424 NPE, no longer is listed in the data base, looks like it may have been exported or destroyed, as they have no listing for that plate, all it says is, no details could be found, it's gone.

Out of all the stories, Billy's seems to be the most plausible.
Actually,I just did a DVLA check on it, and F424 NPE, no longer is listed in the data base, looks like it may have been exported or destroyed, as they have no listing for that plate, all it says is, no details could be found, it's gone.

Out of all the stories, Billy's seems to be the most plausible.

Yes , definitely sounds correct to me this is the right story of what has happened to it.
If it was listed with the DVLA originally and then exported it would still be listed and shown with an export marker. Sounds to me as though it was lost a good many years ago if it is not listed at all with DVLA.
ive phoned dvla today and the cars still in existence im looking at purchasing the vehicle myself apparently its under a motor trade so its in a dealership somewhere just gotta find out where but all the places named on net where its been seen etc narrows it down a little bit :)
I've no knowledge of, or interest in the vehicle but love a conspiracy! Logically it would have been written-off by whoever insured it as the cost of a replacement interior would have deemed the car BER. At the risk of offending some people (we are talking LR's here, not their owners) what happened to a certain J. Saville's Classic? The last I heard was that a dealer had bought it with the intention of replacing the roof panel, returning the interior to original & putting the car up for sale as a standard two-door RR, thereby cashing in on the increasing market value of these early models.
ive phoned dvla today and the cars still in existence im looking at purchasing the vehicle myself apparently its under a motor trade so its in a dealership somewhere just gotta find out where but all the places named on net where its been seen etc narrows it down a little bit :)
Did you Manage to locate the vehicle bud
Mot expired 10 x years ago and I’m pretty sure it got crushed

It was for sale a few years a go.
I must admit, I find that a bit hard to believe?And you would be correct. I have met the Scenes of Crime chap who examined the real Rettendon Range Rover, I asked him what happened afterwards and was told "we crushed it". The thing on Ebay was, well, just a Range Rover.

No real point, it’s all posted in one place
Thats not how forums work, and alot on here dont do face book and those that do arent gonna be inclined to click a link without any introduction, information or commentary especially if using a phone or tablet.
I had a look, the link takes you to a FB site where they are selling raffle tickets for an old rangie. Spam! Apparently it is the real car but they can't comment further and a charity is mentioned but nothing specific. It's all very vague.
Year or two ago you’d get dozen people a day joining up frantically searching for this vehicle here. Went on for a while I got sick of it.
No one ever found it.

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