The bit I wrote above about first gear and LED's was in reply to what nodge said about his own auto.

Regarding your fault... have to had the codes read in the ABS computer to see why the yellow hill decent light comes on? Does it only come on when F4 flashing appears when the auto goes into limp home mode? Have yer put the car into first gear 1 option on a hill and tried to use hill decent by turning it on and taking yer feet oft the pedals? If yer eggscellerate a bit to 10mph then take yer feet oft do the brakes come on to slow it down (that's hdc working)?
Yellow decent comes on with f4 limp mode. 1st gear pulls good
But there no 2nd
Feels like 4th
Not tried decent switch and brakes of
Yellow decent comes on with f4 limp mode. 1st gear pulls good
But there no 2nd
Feels like 4th
Not tried decent switch and brakes of
Try the hdc to see if it works and if it dun't and triggers the yellow light.

The auto gearbox's ability to work is dependent on certain signals like the abs sensors working. If 2 or more fail yer loose drive from the auto. It's not that in your case... but it could be the brake pedal switch causing a problem which upsets the abs computer... which triggers the gearbox computer to have two faults (one abs related and one of it's own) which it then can't deal with.

There are situations where one fault can be put up with by the various computers but when a second fault comes along it causes something to stop. Problem is yer have mixed symptoms due to multiple faults and their effect of.

As nodge said it did make me wonder if he changed the right solenoid.
Try the hdc to see if it works and if it dun't and triggers the yellow light.

The auto gearbox's ability to work is dependent on certain signals like the abs sensors working. If 2 or more fail yer loose drive from the auto. It's not that in your case... but it could be the brake pedal switch causing a problem which upsets the abs computer... which triggers the gearbox computer to have two faults (one abs related and one of it's own) which it then can't deal with.

There are situations where one fault can be put up with by the various computers but when a second fault comes along it causes something to stop. Problem is yer have mixed symptoms due to multiple faults and their effect of.

As nodge said it did make me wonder if he changed the right solenoid.
I will do resistance test Tomorrow and see what I can find

Resistance test tell me what's going on with gear box
Did you solve this?
Yes problem was solved
There wire that was bare over engine and was shorting out
Sone one other day had same symptoms
Said check for bare wire and it happened to his one to. So if readings of cans make no sense check for wire over engine that shorting out on engine
Yes problem was solved
There wire that was bare over engine and was shorting out
Sone one other day had same symptoms
Said check for bare wire and it happened to his one to. So if readings of cans make no sense check for wire over engine that shorting out on engine
Thanks fer letting us know. Good result.

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