Ilson lad

Active Member
Hi lads & ladettes;) Been lurking around for a week & decided to get my a into g and register on here:D There's a good few forums around but this one seemed like a bunch of looneys so I thought I might just fit in!
Just sold a perfectly good & reasonably prepped Fronty only to replace it with a old landy 90 which dont go:rolleyes: Somehow I fell in love with the scruffy git and want to get her going again.
Right....Im off to the techy section....

Ello Ilson. Welcome to LZ.

Ere, I dint know we had a techy section?? Bollix to tha.. Go play in Anythin Goes. Much more edjumacayshunal.:D
Evenin and welcome to LZ - hmmm, maybe we need a tetchy section where we can go have a sulk when Yella shouts at us!!! :D:D
Owdo Ilson lad stick some pics up as soon you can, we all loves pics on ere, dunt ave to be of yer landy neither.

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