
New Member

Does anyone out there know if theres a good company who can extract bolts out of Range Rover Engine Blocks ?

Or anything I can buy to do the job

You can buy a set of screw extractors, should not be more than L10 in a toolshop. Then you drill a hole approx 1/2 of the diameter of the bolt, well centered, straight down the bolt.

You should punch the bolt's center before to drill, and the hole does not need to be more than 15-20mm deep if you have an extractor of the correct size.

You need a good drill bit, as these bolts are of good strong healthy grade of steel (or they should, anyway!).

Drill very straight and very centered. Once drilled, insert the extractor, and unscrew either with the appropriate square-holed handle, either with a suitable flat spanner.

Use abundant penetrating oil before to unscrew...


If the drill is a correct HSS bit (professional grade HSS, not "china-import-for-DYI") it should drill through the bolt. The bit has to be new or properly sharpened, there must be a good center punch mark on the bolt, and the drilling speed should be slow. Handheld drilling machines are usually too fast and the drill tip overheats, work-hardening the part to be drilled, and weakening the drill. Should use a good drilling machine with 2 speeds and trigger-controlled speed.


Thanks for the advise done it. Got an extractor from "boa" it's a one peice unit and wonderfully quick.


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