
Hi, had the rear quarter panel off and snapped the exterior trim that runs from just above the rear side door catch up to the roof gutter. I've no idea what its called so struggling to search for a replacement. Any ideas? It's about a metre long - I've attached pic of the other side.
Thanks in advance


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The bad news is, they are no longer available. I tried to replace mine after a respray. Got a NS from either Paddocks or Craddocks (was either £17 or £27) but can't get the OS for love nor money. Painted the old one satin black and put it back on.

If you do find one, let me know. :D
Whoah! You might be in luck. I have just re-read your post and realised that you broke the NS. I replaced mine and I have the old one still - no nuts or rubber washers mind.
Cheers for the reply - I've finally stumbled upon the D pillar finisher ! Will see if they have any in stock or i will be giving you a call :) btw - If thats the D pillar and the front door hinge is on the A pillar, where are the B & C pillars ?!

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