
New Member
Planning on making an aluminium exterior sun visor, i know i could buy one from craddocks ect ect... but postage just makes it a tad expensive...:(

So, has anyone got one fitted that i could see how it fits around the windscreen, ive searched the internet and only found pictures of them from the front, Ie; not showing how there fitted...Also what do you think of it?

Help much appeciated!:)
Ayup, I've got to go out for a bit,but I've got one that i'm about to fit, so I'll take some pics and make some measurements when i get back if you like.:)
Right, Got it made up out of some sheet alluminium, Its been die cut out of one piece and folded square at the front, so its ridgid - and then that gets rid of the centre bracket. Ill get some pictoors tomorra when its light. thanks for the destructions and mesurements pholme68!.
mine has the centre bracket on it ....

it still vibrates/chatters at around 60mph, i love the look of it and it's staying on but it's not an overly effective sunvisor for me (i'm short), also when you pull up too close to the traffic lights you can't see them changing too easily thru the front window
It does make a noise at speed, a sort or whistling, but you have to listen carefully to notice it, what with the engine and that!!. I do like the old-school look of it, And its by far better than the old sun visor borrowed from a mini i had in there!!.
Here are some pictures, Enjoy!



The strength of the visor is in the profile at the front, stops it from chattering and gets rid of the need for a centre bracket.
looks good that fabricate it yer self?And it'll stop a bit of glare off the bonnet when the roof lights come on.
That's looks real nice, better than my "real one" in fact. Put mine back on on sunday forgot to put two screws on each end, went to work this morning and the wind nearly tore it orf! plus made a bloody racket. That'll teach me!. going out now to put the 2 screws in.
how good is it as a visor?.
Its good as a visor, i had a borrowed mini visor which was useless, this on the other hand is pretty good with the morning sun.

looks good that fabricate it yer self?
Thanks!, But no i didnt make it, got a sheet metal company to cut and fold it, all i had to do was put 4 screws in the screen!, wish i could have made it, but i just dont have the tools:rolleyes:

Put mine back on on sunday forgot to put two screws on each end
:doh: Whoops!

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