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Very low pedal first thing in morning or after car has been parked a long time. ABS pump running too long. Takes quite a long time for the TC light to go out and a little longer for the pump to stop. Pump runs for short periods (2/3 seconds) on occasion when braking.
My initial thoughts are air in the system but having used my Hawkeye and got a report of Extended Charge Time I am beginning to wonder if it might be a duff accumulator. Looking for opinions from you knowledgeable gents.
How long is initial morning pump charge time?

I just changed my accumulator, reduced from around 1 minute to 40 sec. no other noticeable changes, still pumps a little bit occasionally but not much/often
Was around 34 secs last time a checked, I will check it again in the morning. I must admit I was a bit concerned when it showed an ABS fault 'extended charge time'. I will have another look tomorrow. Cheers Druim.
If the car has been stood for any length of time, it can take upto 40 seconds for lamp to go out. If it runs too often accumulator is best bet. There is a test for charge loss the dealers can do if they have the gauge to do it. It's a pressure rise over time thing. But a new accumulator is possible less cost than the dealer test.
Thanks wammers. I am going to check the time lapse again in the morning. However, I am leaning towards replacing the accumulator anyway. I suspect it might be the original and the car is 13 years old. So, might as well change it now as in the near future.
Thanks wammers. I am going to check the time lapse again in the morning. However, I am leaning towards replacing the accumulator anyway. I suspect it might be the original and the car is 13 years old. So, might as well change it now as in the near future.

When you do the charge test you stick a gauge on and run the pump. The pressure rises very quickly to the charge pressure in the accumulator. Then slows down. So if it rose to 80 bars straight away then slowly built up. That is the charge pressure in the accumulator if it rose to 40 bars quickly then slowly built up you would have 40 bars in the accumulator. I think from memory anything less than 50 bars and it needs changing.
On a perfectly working system, once initially up to pressure, the pump should run roughly every other press of the brake pedal. If it's running on every press then change the accumulator. Easy to do, de-pressurise the system by pressing the brake pedal 30 times (ignition off of course), then unscrew the old accumulator and screw on the new one, no need to bleed the system. I've done a couple like this with no issues.
How long is initial morning pump charge time?

I just changed my accumulator, reduced from around 1 minute to 40 sec. no other noticeable changes, still pumps a little bit occasionally but not much/often

Checked accurately in the morning TC light out after 19 sec & Pump 34 sec, thats without starting car.
First few times braking from cold pump runs every time, after that not much

Changing the accumulator easiest job - didn't spill a drop - depress. system first
Brakes actually worked fine with the old one but to hopefully extend pump life i replaced the old accumulator - preventive maintenance
The accumulator has a life expectancy of 7/8 years I read somewhere. When the membrane fails, it leaks nitrogen into the brake fluid and makes the brakes spongy and the pump runs for longer. Just changed mine, need to bleed the brakes now but the lights go out as they should and the pump runs less often.
Checked pump time charging accumulator this morning. TC light out at about 34 secs and pump stopped at 49.8 secs engine not started. Checked faults, showed 'Brake Light Switch' failure. Checked brake lights and they are working. Pump does not seem to start on every application of the brake but I still think I will renew the accumulator. 'Preventive' as Druim says.
Checked pump time charging accumulator this morning. TC light out at about 34 secs and pump stopped at 49.8 secs engine not started. Checked faults, showed 'Brake Light Switch' failure. Checked brake lights and they are working. Pump does not seem to start on every application of the brake but I still think I will renew the accumulator. 'Preventive' as Druim says.

I would say from that it would seem a new accummulator is needed. Lamp should go out in about a quarter to a third of the time the pump runs in total. The lamp goes off at 110bars. The pump then cycles on and off between 140 bars and 180 bars as the brakes are used.
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Delightful thread where everyone more or less agrees - weekend peace or silence before:fencing::boom::Cry::fighting::
Me again!!. Sorry I have not answered before. Living out in the sticks a bit our Broadband coverage is not good, keeps going off. I have typed this no end of times but the bloody thing goes off before I can send it.
Anyway, thank you all for your input/help. I will order an accumulator from Island 4x4 and hopefully get it fitted on Wednesday. I will report back when I know if it has cured the problem.
Best to all
Finally got my replacement accumulator from Island 4x4. £97. Local supplier £162, no contest!!
Fitted it today and it has made a huge difference. Next job is to change the brake fluid but that will have to wait till we get back from a trip to see the Mother in Law (mugger superior) who is not at all well.
A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do, at least that is according to the mem sahib.
So gents, thanks for all your help and advise.

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