Magic Monkey

New Member
Good evening all!

I am new to this forum and this is indeed my first post.

I am in fact calling for help on behalf of my dear mum. She bought the new Freelander earlier this year with the following spec: 2.0 Td4 turbo diesel with 5-speed manual SE.

She has done about 8,000 miles in 3 months and was driving along the other day and the sunroof panel over the drivers side just exploded:eek: , showering her in glass!!! This was obviously a huge shock and quite frankly extremely dangerous given she does a lot of motorway driving!

My call for helpo is quite simle. The garage accept whats happened and even admitted, verbally, that 2 other customers had had similar experiances. They now will not answer her calls:mad: and Land Rover are being equally unhelpful. Land Rover even rang the dealership and they denied ever having a previous case!!!!!! Has anyone heard of this happening before:confused: ?? Any information would be gratefully recieved!

This is the second Freelander my mum has owned and she is very unhappy with the new model, but, unfortunately, she is tied into one of their finance packages! She really is shaken by this whole experiance and quite honestly she really does not want to drive the damn thing anymore. Does anyone know whether (obviously you wont have seen the contract T&Cs) she can get out of the deal on the basis that the car clearly has a dangerous manufacturing fault?

Many thanks in advance for your thoughts on this matter.

Tim :)

The sunroof operating mechanisim gives problems but never heard of an exploding sun-roof. Maybe a stone hit it and it disintegrated like the old non-laminated windscreens used to do - or any window in a car other than the windscreen.
As Steve said, only the sliding mechanism on 5 drs models can cause problems but I guess this is a 3 drs with two separate sunroofs, operating all manually. Never heard of an exploding one before.
Thats really bad matey!!!!!

With regard to finance, Your mum can get the finance cancelled on the grounds that the vehicle is unsafe to drive, Its upto your mum to give the dealer and land rover uk HELL!!!!!!!

I had a client with a mondeo, that would break its own back window every 2/3 days, it turned out to be a distorted bodyshell, sounds similar to your mum's freelander!!!!!!:mad:

If you need any legal help, just email me.:D :D :D :D :D
Hello everyone,

Have a two-year old Freelander 3-door out here in Italy and the same thing happened to me yesterday. Car parked in an underground garage. No-one near it for nearly three hours. Passenger-side roof glass shattered (imploded) leaving small pieces of glass everywhere including the babyseat in the back (not too happy about that).:mad:
Absolutely no explanations as the place is monitored with CCTV.
I'm off to the dealer to get a replacement now...
Merry Christmas... :(
Mike, Milan
Hi. . . Sorry to here about your mums sunroof, never heard this one before,but think more than likely it got hit by a stone ,and like a windscreen can have a chip that may not shatter it in the first inst, but later on with say temperature change it can just go, this can happen on any car ,its happened to me and yes pretty scary if your driving,your mum might have lost confidence in the car and by all means get it checked out/and fixed but explain to your mum other people have had it, but rare in a freelander sun roof. . . Ming :cool:
hiya, i tried to get new 3dr sun roofs from my Land Rover dealer, as mine are the black plastic ones! They told me they have stoped making them because of the problems with them!

exploding sunroofs! my goodness, whatever next.... ejector seats are landrover pithcing for the James Bond contract this movie......!

My 2p worth... overtight bolt/nut at cold then hot temps causing a fracture, espaecially as this is toughned glass it would indeed shatter, it must have been quite a shock!:eek:

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