
New Member
Morning all,

Does anyone know if/where I could hire expedition equipment. I know much of it is vehicle specific, but much of it isn´t.

I am refering to items such as.....

Roof Tent
Sand Matts / Waffle Boards
HighLift Jack
Jerry Cans
Basic Tool Kit with all the obvious items
Sat Phone
Extra vehicle mounted lights
Manual Winch
All the tow ropes, recovery straps etc.
Off road trailer perhaps (like a sankey) to put it all in.

Anyting I have missed?

ALl the best
I dont anyone that does this specifically, but you can hire a fridge from MPS4x4 speak to Simon and he should be able to sort something out. Sat phones are also available for hire, do a google search for the best ones. Trailers should be available to hire, but I wouldnt know where from. I doubt you could hire a RTT, but you may have luck with the winch. A generator (If you really need/want one) can be had from most places.

All the other bits, although expensive (cumalitively) I doubt you would find for hire. These you would have to purchase.

Can I ask how long you intend to hire them for? If its a long period it would inveriably be cheaper to purchase and sell upon your return. What is your reason for hireing rather than purchase? outlay cost? only doing 1 trip?

I would imagine the hire of these items over say, a 6 month period would only be a fraction less than outright purchase. Items like sand ladders, roof tents, high lift jack, winch, sat phone, fridge will all hold their value should you wish to sell them on your return.

hope this helps.

HI Griffdowg

thanks or taking the time to reply.

This would be for a short trip only. 2-3 weeks in morocco. The vehicle has nothing at the moment.

I am actually inquiring about this for a friend, ( i am sorted myself) but he has a 4x4 and wants to do this style of trip with me. He is is not, yet anyway, into the ´lifestyle´ so its a lot to shell out just for one trip, and he may never use the grear again. (I know sssooo many people who have used their roof tent once!)

To buy all of the grear he needs will cost a small fortune,

roof rack - £500
roof tent - £1,200
Hilifet - £70
sandmatts £120 etc etc

could easily end up costing 4-5 grand.

So, I suggested hireing, not that I know of anywhere.

Thanks for tip on the fridges, and I did google sat phones and since have found someone, only 5 quid a day wich seams very good.

Generator is a possiblity from a hire shop, but I can´t see them being OK when we say its to take to morroco!!

Thanks again..

All the best
TRY aldi genny,s were under £100 two weeks ago ........petrol 2t bout 650 watts....i bought one 18 months ago sound as a pound.........dave
Hi JM,

as its such a short period and only Morocco may I suggest a few things:

firstly you wont need a sat phone. Orange have excellent phone coverage across nearly all of Morocco. Your mate could get away with a pop up or small 2 man tent over an RTT therefore negating the need for a rack and expensive tent. If this is just a trial for him, it would be wise to do this on the cheap and take it from there.

what vehicles are you taking? you could double up on equipment. do you have a hi-lift? therefore he wont need one, likewise with tools and even spares if you are both running Defender/Disco 1's. buy waffle boards off ebay, not sand mats, these can be used in the UK in the mud to. We didnt need these at all in Morocco, they nearly came in handy to reduce the angle into an oued, but a spade was quicker and easier to deal with it.

what else have you got.

Jerry cans £5 at army surplus. number depends on fuel type and vehicle. at 25MPG we were carrying 90L diesel with 40 in 2 cans. only once did we need 1 can.

winch, you wont need one if there are 2 vehicles, just make sure you have a few different length tow strops and rated shackles.

Additional lights not needed, dont drive after dark in Morocco it is a scary experience! even with additional lights. We did a short stint of it one night and its not recommended. they drive in the middle of the road with no lights on going 5-10mph along with Donkey carts you will not see. Your mate can do with out these lights.

packed right you wont need a trailer. trailers could prove a PITA on desert pistes to.

think thats it...

Hi again G

What you say is spot on of course, he/we can do without a lot of things and I do have the essentials. (can´t think we will both be needing the highlift at the same time....:eek: now Ive just said that its exactly what going to happen!)

I was just thinking it would be fun with all the gear, ( personaly, I love the gear:eek:)

But if it can´t be hired, it can´t be hired, so we´ll proceed with plann ´G´!

Thanks again for taking the time to offer such a considered reply.

All the best
Personally I dont see the need for a generator, expensive roof rack or a roof tent (only takes 5 minutes to put up a small tent anyway).

I would recommend extra lights though as you never know...your intended place of camp might be gone or you might get lost and have to press on to somewhere else...but they are only cheap, I found 3 pairs of "Ring" lights more than adequate and they were only a few pennies.
Originally Posted by rustyrhinos
I would recommend extra lights though as you never know...

Yer but you drive a series there are no original lights


Hehe very true for the original Series lights! (of course I binned the sealed units and replaced with regular H4 type :) )

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