
New Member

This is my first time on here so I'm looking for someone to help a damsel in distress!

Basically my x reg freelander exhaust starting making a horrendous noise. Got under for a look to find the back and middle section of the exhaust (next to a clamp) have come apart. Took it to local garage who said it couldnt be joined together and i would need new centre and rear exhaust. (to me it looked like a total clean break right next to the clamp which i presumes holds them together but what do I know eh?)

I've been quoted £170. Does this sound right?? I said i'd put it on hold and get a quote from a friend first who normally services/mot's my car

anyway, some idea of figures would be much appreciated as I dont want to get ripped off on the run up to xmas.

thanks guys!
Where abouts are you? A nice friendly independent garage might be able to weld it back together in the short term.
been advised and im sure i'll be corrected, if its late 2000 it'll cost ya more than early 2000 cost theres a rear cat, early... fitted seem to be around £140-£150 that high street fitted
if its early - i just had exactly same happen - got pattern centre section from local factors - £27 (incl gasket) and genuine rear box from a LR dealer for £57 (clearing out old stock on ebay )
£1000 will get you a full custom system built from the manifold back, Maybe less depending on materials, Look towards getting a custom system made if you want. Sometimes aftermarket parts can be cheaper then OEM and pattern parts (but beware, some can also be crap)
I had a complete exhaust (from downpipe back) for my L-series diesel supplied in stainless and made to measure on the car by Longlife for £300. This was a couple of years ago. I got them to improve the clearance for off roading and removed the cat (not required for MoT). There was an immediate improvement in pick-up and torque which I put down to faster spool-up of turbo. One problem that had me guessing at first was the huge flat spot at about 2000rpm. Turned out to be sucking the inlet hose flat! A new air filter cured the problem. Exhaust has been brilliant with no probs at all. They are a franchised outlet and you can google them for details.

if it broke on a joint you can get an in line repair ,but you might have to cut parts to fit. . . .you can also get an in line flexi part, only worth it if the rest is still good :) :) :)
Baked Bean tin split and wrapped round the pipe and held with a couple of clamps.
just as a stop gap:)
Hello again all....

I'v found this thread n bringing it back from the dead!!!!

This exact same thing has happened to me very recently and i'v had it put back together with a bit of sealant and a re-tightened u-clamp and it came back apart the next day!! i'v been hammering it back in every journey but i'm confused as to why its happened... looks to me like the mid section is too small as the rubber & hook that its attached to (backbox side) is leaning to one side when its connected...

My garage did the initial fix for free and have had to order a new clamp which will cost a mere few quid to fit... why all the dollars????

Bean tin... hmm... may have to use that one to avoid the constant having to bloody hammer it!!

If anyone else has had this, can you let me know what came of it? as i dont wanna end up with the costs either :confused:

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