fookernell, i thord cambridge was full o brains - i guess the average is the same as everywhere else so for every boffin there has ter be a duffer!
judging by your spelling, your theory is corect!
still awnser my question....if so stupid why did you awnser?
so let me get this straight, you logged onto a forum called Landyzone in order that you could find out where Kernow is?

And just for the record, it's the typing that's a problem, not the spelling.
OK, fair point daft, e int gonna find out fook all about Landys! :D:D:D - but then judging on this fred the geography of Britain int gonna be the chosen subject either ;)
so you know every island, city, county etc around the Uk then do you?
Why am i not going to find out anything about Landys ?
if yu want that sort of info - yu need to speak to Pikey - he knows most of them - well actually he is wanted in most of them.

landys - I think i got one of them?
so you know every island, city, county etc around the Uk then do you?
No but i have google so i have a means to find most out! Try googling Kernow and see if you can tell me where it is
Why am i not going to find out anything about Landys ?
Coz it's doubtful that you'll stick around long enough to find an answer to any question!
FFS some twot show the lad a pic of their Pipe. :eek:

Where's tweets when ya really need him??? :hug:
there yu are l90edb. one custom exhaust....


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