My 2005 volvo has the original one piece exhaust on it. 15yrs and alright ish..... I say ish.. The back box is debatable for the next mot!! :eek:
Iv just replaced my rear boxes ,The ones on had been on more than 10 years ,,,Were stamped land rover and it was the t" bit that rotted..Anyway ordered from island two boxes turned up o_Othough not... b,,,,part cause its crap n dint last ,SO go allmakes ...All-makes was right ,one bit was from Italy,the other box was from Ireland:eek: nightmare ,The single box pipe was an inch short ,the joint was a very loose fit....Two clamps later and a lot of bending:rolleyes: its on ...Theresa lesson here somewhere:confused::oops: Would have sent it back but i painted prior to fitting :mad:.......RR :D.

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