
New Member
Hi everyone, I am a Newbie to Landyzone so apologies if i make no sense!

I have recently purchased an 88" Series 3 with a Steve Parker 3.0 V6 conversion. The previous owner fabricated their own exhaust system which does the job and got it through it's MOT, however, it is clearly restrictive and visually unappealing.

I am lucky to have a very experience exhaust fabricator in the family who I intend to bribe into making me up a system, only thing is we don't know the optimum gauge for this engine/conversion. Does anyone out there already have a Steve Parker conversion? whats the tube diameter?

I am also thinking of running two pipes of either side, does anyone know how this will affect flow? I don't want to make the mistake of over or under restricting the exhaust flow as i appreciate this massively inpacts consumption and performance.

seems to me you should be asking someone that is very experienced in exhaust making, shirley they would have the answers?
Shirley whose shirley :)

My father in law has made an educated guess but apparently the calculation as to the optimum diameter is very involved. If no one knows we are going to go with 2 &1/4"

according to the online marine egghost calculator it should be 0.03125fathoms. but dint quote me on it
I have been on the Forum 48 hours and already learn about the infamous slob! Does anyone have anything constructive to say?

LOL ;-)
It can't be 0.03125fathoms 'cos that works out at 4.34027reccuring inches. What did you use as Pi 3.14 or 22/7.
It can't be 0.03125fathoms 'cos that works out at 4.34027reccuring inches. What did you use as Pi 3.14 or 22/7.
i used the only thing you can use fer pie..steak and kiddly.. and me carkillashuns is correct 0.03125 fathoms
i used the only thing you can use fer pie..steak and kiddly.. and me carkillashuns is correct 0.03125 fathoms

Now now now although I can agree that steak and kiddly do make an extremely good pie I don't agree with your statement that it's the only thing you can use. For instance a very good pie can be made with steak and ale or mince and onions, and for pudding I don't think you can get better than a good old Apple pie, I don't realy hold with the Germans who I believe put currants and sultanas in their apple pies and call them Apfel Strudles or something. Lemon merangue pie is also a very nice pie and nobody could argue that it has been anywhere near a steak or a kidney. Except for when it has been eaten of course, when it will pass relatively close to the lucky eaters kidney. Anyway what were we talking about?
any thing other than steak and kiddly is only a feeble atempt at a pie. true lemon myrang pie is ok fer a pudding but ah was talking real mens pies . not yer hippo driver's pies

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