What caused this ? - accelerated hard and then...BANG... SMOKE/DUST trail..:eek: stopped and had a look to find that the Centre exhaust box had exploded..ripped-open along seam turfing out the sound- deadening material which wrapped itself around prop etc. I now have a Lovely v8 burble but that not impressing the neighbours ! ( the box which cost me £100 is only 18 months old with 3000 miles on it )
What caused this ? - accelerated hard and then...BANG... SMOKE/DUST trail..:eek: stopped and had a look to find that the Centre exhaust box had exploded..ripped-open along seam turfing out the sound- deadening material which wrapped itself around prop etc. I now have a Lovely v8 burble but that not impressing the neighbours ! ( the box which cost me £100 is only 18 months old with 3000 miles on it )

Take it back to where you bought it from and give them hell,
The least they can do is fit you another one at cost! If out of warranty
sounds like the wadding was of inferior quality or too much of it causing back pressure. the only way out was along the weakest point. had this a few times on Merc vans. found that the internals were not as they should be.
This is usually caused by unburned fuel making its way into the exhaust system - you've probably got a long-standing misfire.
You sure it's not been backfiring? It might just all of a sudden get louder where it ripped open but with a bang sounds like a backfire .
Take it back to where you bought it from and give them hell,
The least they can do is fit you another one at cost! If out of warranty

sounds like the wadding was of inferior quality or too much of it causing back pressure. the only way out was along the weakest point. had this a few times on Merc vans. found that the internals were not as they should be.

This is usually caused by unburned fuel making its way into the exhaust system - you've probably got a long-standing misfire.

Correct SAS, nothing to do with the exhaust being of poor or faulty quality, an explosion took place within the exhaust.
Totally off topic....how do you quote multiple posts in a reply????

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There was no -misfiring.. I had driven about 5 miles before this happened. Rangey still drives perfectly -though sounds like one of those American V8 THUNDERSALOON racing cars :D I'm thinking must have been an internal breakdown causing a blockage in the box resulting in pressure to build-up until it popped the seam under hard acceleration. Rangey is fitted with stainless double tail pipe. Could the cats have broken up and lodged in the centre box causing the blockage ?
yes, but we had this happen on diesels as well as petrol vans. :)

Stuff a potato in your diesel exhaust and if no leaks it will die through lack of breathing so if wadding was blocking you would have noticed most exhausts have a slight leak at joints and water holes to expele a boil'd up or water put your hand over the end and I bet your have a slight leak.
What caused this ? - accelerated hard and then...BANG... SMOKE/DUST trail..:eek: stopped and had a look to find that the Centre exhaust box had exploded..ripped-open along seam turfing out the sound- deadening material which wrapped itself around prop etc. I now have a Lovely v8 burble but that not impressing the neighbours ! ( the box which cost me £100 is only 18 months old with 3000 miles on it )

Even if the wadding caused huge back pressure it would have blown through it. Probably unburnt fuel/(LPG) igniting with the heat, what you describe was quite lucky as it/you may have come off a lot worse.

Stainless systems usually have a life time guarantee bar the tail pipe and rubbers and clamps.

I suggest running on a ramp without the box and see just how much fuel leaks out the headers. If you can do one bank at a time.
does sound like unburnt fuel..

tried to get mi dads volve started with easy start, got too much in and when it fired centre box exploded...
Yes been there also
Rear silencer blocked fell apart inside causing fuel vapour to buid up in centre silencer
put foot down and bang if I can get my photos of my phone and onto Landyzone you would see it opened up like a jam tin, p38 gems are almost back fire proof so check rear
silencer and replace both.
If they wont replace the centre box for you free of charge after you have checked for other issues cut the box off leaving as much pipe as possible and weld a strait pipe in its place, good V8 sound but not too loud as to upset the neighbours .

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