cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys

One of the first things I need to sort out is the exhaust banging on the g/box, I take it that when it was a 2.5td the original exhaust would have been of a slightly smaller O.D. and with the 90 being fitted with a 200tdi engine the tdi exhaust is a slightly larger O.D. and there very little distance between the exhaust and g/box and looking at both the engine mounting rubbers and g'box mounting rubbers they look ok buy think I will replace them all as it mite give the exhaust a bite more room, what do you think :)
dunno about the 200, but the 300 has a eggsauce bracket just next to the gearbox thats on a slot, so it can move sideways a bit, I got mine wrong when I did the clutch and got it hitting the chassis.
Is it the centre box thats doing the banging?

If it is can you not loosen the flanges and twist it out of the way?
Is it the centre box thats doing the banging?

If it is can you not loosen the flanges and twist it out of the way?

It just feels too rigid but have noticed a bracket on the down pipe that is bolted to the engine I havn't had time to look properly but I will see if its adjustable but really the exhaust needs to come down hence why I am thinking of replacing both the gearbox mounting rubbers aswell as the engine mounting rubbers :)

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