
Well-Known Member
righty ho yous lot i need a really good fool proof excuse. i was supposed to be having dinner with a lady of the female ilk.. thing is i forgot and now i need a really good excuse. so get posting
You were talking to a particular freelander owner & you caught dumba**** virus?
You've been to the UK & forgot the time difference?
Your dog/relative/friend has just died?
You died?
She meant this Wednesday?
You were that excited at the thought of seeing her you took too much dutch courage & fell asleep in the bath?

Where was she? You waited ages at a different venue?
Cuz after deliberation you decided she was a pig and would rather have dinner with a rabies ridden mule?
Sack cloth & ashes then....
Fall on your knees and grovel for forgivenes - after all you are just a man what does she expect?;)
ah see she knows that already and she knows i also got a jag a beamer and a maserati and of course the old trusty escort estate. if i said i had a gaylander she'd be inviting all her friends round for free hair do's
do it my way, grovel like a bastard, admit you are useless, then tell her she looks so sexy when she is angry, works every time ;)
i suppose i could try that but i know what wil happen.. i'll get invited to her place for some more of her cooking

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