david gib

New Member
Happy New Year Everybody,

I have a TD5 and my warning light has come on telling me that I have excessive water in the fuel. The hand book is very helpfull and sayes see dealer who being the new year is on holiday. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
there should be a drainer on the bottom of your diesel filter, just dundo it and drain the water out otherwise it will get into your ip and rust the shaft,m then it seizes and becomes expensive
whilst on this subject... i forgot to put my cap on after filling up the other day and ran it over driving off. it doesnt seal aswell as it did now. it kinda vacuum'ed itself on. ive got the old metal twist lock one :) i love it. but its a bit loser now and doesnt vacuum shut.

is this a problem?

cheers me dears

Hi Clive,

The filter is by the right rear wheel. My problem turned out to be a faulty sender unit at the bottom of the filter. If you unscrew the sender unit if you have any water it should come out. If you do this and the light comes on then disconect the cables and this will stop the engime managment sysytem from cutting off the engine and go to the dealer to be pluged into the system. I hope this helps.
just posted a question as anew member asking for help on my disco 2001.Points are accurate in other threads. I also had this problem.

1. undid undid sensor unit- a mugfull of deisel drained off but no evidense of water- also cleaned and dried out sensor. Re assembled and ok for a few days then light came back on occasionally.
2. changed filter (12 quid from motor factors).ok for a few weeks,
3. looked on various forums and found that its a common problem. The sensor is likely to be at fault. They are known for being unreliable.
4. A new sensor is about 15- 20 quid. Havnt changed yet. Light flickers on about 2/3 times aday in my 100 mile round trip commute.
hello....... my light comes on occasionally too since i changed my fuel filter....... i tend to ignore it and it goes off........ obviously if it stayed on a long time i would see to it;)

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