
New Member
Hi guys

Just took a trip to a total garage to fill up as i was filling up noticed the excellium diesel with the posters and what not just wondering if its worth doing i know the results wont be miraculous but if they make it run a bit smoother and quieter surely thats a plus? What do you guys think do you use it does it do what it says on the tin?

Regards jack
One the guys at work runs a TD4 and swears by the stuff, wont put anything else in, mind you he also dabbles with classic cars and will only put the expensive petrol version in, I have put 20 quids worth in before and to be honest didnt feel any difference, except in my wallet !
Apprently you need to put about 3 tanks in before you notice a big difference my main concern is going back to normal diesel if the stuff isnt very good
Not sure theres no a lot of info on the leaflet I just want something that will make it a bit quieter and more efficient i love the noise but its a shame the neighbours dont at 6-30 in the morning
Makes a huuuge difference to my 150Tdi Golf but don't rekon you would notice the difference on a Landy
Reckon i should give it a bash?

Why not, it'll do no harm trying. It'll just cost you a few extra quid. The best thing I've found with an N/A is 3 litres of veg oil to a tank of diesel and a splash of white spirit. It used to make quite a noticeable difference.


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