Domino, no special requirements it's easy. As a former signaller who had to fit out FFR 110'S ( 4 x 12v 100a in series parallel) just remember neg off first, neg back on last. The amount of times I used to see arc welding was unbelievable until current flow was explained :)
And apologies as any egg sucking is not intended, but even now I'm amazed at how many people take the +ve off first.

Happy New Year!
Trouble with that here in France is that a battery from the local factors costs at least 50% more and don't even think about taking it back, they don't want to know.:mad:

That is a problem. I have a local trade supplier i get mine from a couple of miles away. If you don't have that convenience then i suppose you have to do what you have to do. :);)

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