Tim, congrats on your new Landy - any pics? Mine changes gear fine - I just take it slow like Lucifus says. I sometimes mix up reverse and first...

I quite like this n/a engine - it kind of slows everything down - no point in rushing. Tonight I was late back from mountain biking, so I phoned my wife and explained I was back at the truck and would be about an hour. I then just plodded home, no stress - in my Volvo I'd have been weaving through the traffic, overtaking, etc. - you don't need that stuff.
I chose the soft top as I thought it looked better. I also figured that a second hand hard top is a lot cheaper and readily available than a used soft top with frames and a roll bar. As for security, I don't think a hard top is and deterant to a car theif.

Your point about hard tops being readily available is swinging me towards soft top. How long does a soft top generally last do you know? Do you have to treat them often to keep them waterproof?
Don't know how long they last. I waterproofed mine when I bought the car. I would be surprised if it was the original. Some of the withams land rovers seem to have new canvas roofs. I guess the army change them if they are damaged.
Tim. Welcome to ex mod owners. Mine is 90 hard top Hard top or soft top is a personal preference. And to each their own taste etc. I have two dogs so safer in hard top but I did think about soft top
Saying that. U need to think what u need it for. Will u park at town all the time. Security wise ?? Mine is 2.5n/a. What a engine !!! A plonker it forever works hard and yet simple to maintain. Like everyone else says. Take your time in changing gears. And let revs drop down before u engage another gear works for me I have kept mine bog standard army but removed the sa80 rifle holders and radio box in the back as it is an ffr 24 volts/12volt etc. enjoy stress free driving !!!! I do with a grin every day !!!
We own an ex-MOD 1986 n/a 2.5 110! We're working on getting ours ready to export to the USA, as we are leaving England permanently. I hope you enjoy it!
I picked up a soft-top D90 from Witham's last saturday which now sits proudly on the front lawn, next to the day-glo (ex-RAC) Disco...... the benefits of being divorced!!! ;)

Now, I'm booked in for it's MOT later today, and the MOT guy assured me I'd be ok driving there with no plates, as I've got an appointment (I've already insured it btw) - I'm just a bit concerned that the 3.5 mile trip could get 'interesting' if plod spot me trundling along in an un-registered motor...... am I worrying over nothing, or should I borrow a set of Polish plates? ;)

Cheers Dunk
Well, I got away with it (thank gawd for quiet rural roads!!) - and to top it off, it passed the MOT with flying colours!!

Next stop - local DVLA office when my insurance cover note finally falls through the letterbox

Dunk don't Withams do all the registration/MOT for you, why didn't you do that?

'Cos I'm a tight-wad ;)

Also, my original plan was to leave it un-registered until I (eventually) do the 300tdi conversion - I'm currently re-building a 300Tdi engine as a project. Obviously, that plan went out the window when I got it home, and I wanted to drive it, regardless of the gutless 12j engine and no PAS :D
I bought mine from Withams and did the registration etc myself. Not sure how much Withams charge but i found it a very easy process.
So did you trailer it home then? I'm north of Edinburgh so I'd rather try and drive it home/get RAC to drive it home which means I'll need Withams to do it all. I'm assuming a trailer that far would be quite expensive so may as well try and drive it.
It's about £500 (from memory). That includes their legwork preparing it for MOT, the cost of mot, the registration fees and a years road tax. You can do it cheaper yourself but to save the hassle of collecting on trailer etc then it's worth it in my opinion.
My mate's got a low-loader, and kindly offered to fetch it if I covered the diesel cost (£50 as we're not far from Grantham) :D

Not sure I'd want to drive a N/A, non-PAS land rover all the way back to Edinburgh...... I'd best describe the driving experience as "visceral" ;):D

I'm getting to really like mine. Cruises OK at 50 which is fine for me. Got 2 new bench seats for the back and a load of drab olive paint to do the load bay. Plan to use it as a camper with a canvas tilt on and sleep on an air bed on the floor.
No CalumM, but I've just bought a digital camera so can take some tomorrow and post - might be a good idea before I start to change it.

How do you post photos on here? Never done it before.
I really like the ex mod defenders and find the na engine fine for my needs, in the snow up a steep lane with little run up my defender trundled up no problems my mate in his td4 struggled when the turbo cut in.

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