
New Member
Need advice on this landy.

Going to veiw it on saturday. Guy wants £2500ono. Totally unmolested from service so comes with evryhting including machine gun mounts:)
guy ahd it checked with some landy owners club and evryhting seems to match up to its history. Its ex-parashute regiment. Going to give it a good test drive then crawl underneathy for a prod and poke about so anyhting i need to look for on ex-miltary landys.

Advice would be appriciated.



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clutch check yer clutch. them paras int gentle wiff clutches. and its parachute not shute
Make sure ya dont view it in a forest cos ya wont see it with all that camo netting...
Or worse youll buy it and then loose it as soon as ya given the keys..
Looks nice though,
D:D :D
Need advice on this landy.

Going to veiw it on saturday. Guy wants £2500ono. Totally unmolested from service so comes with evryhting including machine gun mounts:)
guy ahd it checked with some landy owners club and evryhting seems to match up to its history. Its ex-parashute regiment. Going to give it a good test drive then crawl underneathy for a prod and poke about so anyhting i need to look for on ex-miltary landys.

Advice would be appriciated.


Boner.. That truck is bad!! (as in good!!)

Ive got a 1986 Ex-Mod which also has the pioneer tools on it. I suppose it depends on where you live but ive never had a problem with people trying to nick them. Still maybe worth drilling through them and bolting them down!

One thing to note is whether it is 12 or 24v. Its not the end of the world if its 24v but some of the parts are more expensive as they are not so standard.

Also enquire as to whether the engine has bee re-conned. Many ex-MOD trucks are reconditioned prior to them being sold to the civilian market. If it has, then normally there will be a plate on the engine stating when it was done.

Other than that... If its in good nick, the price looks about right.

Good luck with it!
Do you have any photos of it in service? I may be wrong, I hope for your sake I am, but it looks to me more like someone's idea of what a Para LR should look like. Particularly surprised at the lack of sills and civvey rear crossmember.
been looking at pics and have my doubts as well
as the paras are light infantry there fore the dont use many vehicles and the ones they do tend to be lightweights

heres some pics to compare, see what you think
para int light infantry, them is airborne and don't like being referred to as craphats.

if its ex mil its will have twin fuel tanks and a convoy light that shines onto the white painted diff. if its ex mil but civvy spec it unlikey the paras or any other mob would have tarted it up for patrol work.
para int light infantry, them is airborne and don't like being referred to as craphats.

if its ex mil its will have twin fuel tanks and a convoy light that shines onto the white painted diff. if its ex mil but civvy spec it unlikey the paras or any other mob would have tarted it up for patrol work.

fair point slob
them are "light role infantry(airmobile)"
ma point was they like to sling things under helicopters and lights is better for that

but am getting off the point

try contacting the regts museum on 01252349619

have a look here Land Rovers - Vehicle Histories

here slob was ya a para then
close ah got thrown outta cubs fer letting banger orf in the cub hut. the paras wus a bit more fergiveing if yer had thinks wot done BANG
Cos he's got nowt better to do wiv his life but spend all day googling obscure **** on tinternet.
her slob n red is it just am on the rong freds or is it affy quiet the night
a got ma bottle here an every thin an seems deed
Might have summat to do wiv it been a friday and anyone wiv a life has gone to the pub. leaving us sad fookers home alone.
Cos he's got nowt better to do wiv his life but spend all day googling obscure **** on tinternet.
they dint have internet when i lurnt all about craphats and paras, just cos you dint know bout it dunt mean its abskewered.