
Well-Known Member
just got a bit of info on this...

sez all lgv drivers must obtain training to drive an lgv..
and undertake periodic refresher traing of like 35 hours..

whats this about... looked at the directive and its all gibberish to me...

anyone got a concise explanation????
From what the father-in-law has been saying, you need to complete the 35 hours over 5 years. It's still a load of bollocks, can't see the drivers from Eastern Europe doing all this training and a right pain in the arse for the self employed guys.
Driver cpc (cerfificate of Professional Competance) driver has to do 35 hours training every five years.Its a load of cobblers as all drivers should know it any how classroom based safe loading.driving safely,vehicle checks all things you should know any way.At the end you get a nice certificate that says you have spent 35 hours in a classroom without turning a wheel and know how to drive.Another way of extracting money for old rope no certificate no drive.
so when does this start?
do the coppers get to ask for yer cestificate if ya get pulled...

i only deliver beds for a small shop/ one man operation/ 3 days a week... in a transit luton van...

he aint gonna wanna fork out for this...

i'm drivin, me thats gets in the sh1t, no doubt....
The best bit is how much it costs :eek: fecking day light robbery, and i bet the peeps taking the course don't know what there talking about just reading it out of a book.
Yep, 35 hours over 5 years. So people tend to do one day a year... and there is nothing to stop you doing the same days training each and every year. pointless.

I gave up drving cos of this, falling rates, electronic tachos (that you have to pay for) etc etc.

Load of bollocks.
yep sounds a croc of eu sh1t again...

how dozey have our government got to be to put up with all the crap from brussels.....
It has already started. As long as you complete the first 35 hours within the first 5 years you are ok. It doesn't need to be done all at once. The courses can cover almost anything. Our place is in the process of putting us through it, so far most of us have done two days (7 hours each day) and it was a load of bollox.

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