Right the steering guard inc recovery points is on.
The jate rings on the back are not going well.
I have managed to sheer off the bolt head on the outside of one, but i have managed to remove the nut - not that thats a lot of use on its own!
I think they will now require heating or possibly drilling out - neither of which i am setup to do so this could be a trip to Mansfield Motors - which is closed until the 4th
In short - no recovery points on the back:mad:. Anyway round this (no tow bar fitted) is this a deal stopper for tomorrow?????

Can you not get 2 nuts onto the thread and lock them together and try to free the bolt, have you tried gently tapping them back and forward with a hammer, from memory i dont think the bolts are threaded all along so they wont need unscrewing out.
As long as you have them on the front you can be recovered, just means you wont be able to pull anyone out if needed, unlikely that you will need to be pulled out backwards. have you not got any part of the tow bar fitted.

Cheers. I really didn't want to miss tomorrow.
Re the tow bar the car has never had one fitted.
I'll bring the jate rings with me tomorrow in case someone has arms made of steel
See you all tomorrow
Right the steering guard inc recovery points is on.
The jate rings on the back are not going well.
I have managed to sheer off the bolt head on the outside of one, but i have managed to remove the nut - not that thats a lot of use on its own!
I think they will now require heating or possibly drilling out - neither of which i am setup to do so this could be a trip to Mansfield Motors - which is closed until the 4th
In short - no recovery points on the back:mad:. Anyway round this (no tow bar fitted) is this a deal stopper for tomorrow?????

Is this just one side or both, qucikly try the other side as one jate ring will do,
Thats the driver side only.
I have tried to tap it out fro both sides, a bit of movement when going towards the tank, bit none the other way.
The passenger side still has nut and bolt in place, but is stuck solid. I'm spraying penetrating oil on ever few hours and will try again.
Brain, thanks for the kind offer, but I'm just on my way out - something i cannot get out of - already running late!
I'll bring everything i have tomorrow and try to get to MC in Braintree a bit early. Are we all meeting at 09:00?
PS - Big Stu has my mobile. I'll be back in front of the PC tonight.
We are leaving macdonalds at 9.15 to go to the main meeting point, so we will be there from about 8.45 so we can have some breakfast.

Will be bringing turkey sandwiches and a flask of tea as there is no scheduled pub stop.

Last year it was a break in a car park so the public loos could be used by the ladies.
Discodad just make sure your not leading then you'll always have someone in front to pull you out if you get stuck!

I'm about to head down the workshop and fit my new window regulator so that the door can finally go back together. Gonna also give the truck a good going over to make sure everything works ready for tomorrow.
Hopefully Guy is still bring the red springer aerial he found for me to borrow and Mike will have his handheld cb in the cab with me so i will still be able to talk to you all.

red plastic cut to length and push together jobbies.....some.....not all petrol stations do them.......'sposed to be a get you home job but if you got a couple they should see you though a day....only good for replacing a v belt not flat, kinda depends on what its running and how bad you wanna go.....tomorrow some motor factors will be open
nick , do you want to meet up on the way, I am prob leaving Ipswich at 8 ish from the belstead area, so could take the mainingtree way to colchester...

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