Ya, telling me! I prefer the night time lanes! And that will give stu a chance to use his fog lights.

lol Guy, got to blind Chris with them the other night, :D:D:D,

I am up for a night one this week, I would perfer thursday as I am working wed and thur so up at 5am
Do you remember where those lanes are we done sunday fancy doing a couple of those again

I've not got a clue where they are :( I really need to invest in an OS map ) or sweet talk Stu :)

I'm tempted to pay £9.99 and download memory maps on my iPhone.

I'm free tomorrow evening (Wednesday 15 if anyone fancies a few hours out n about)
I've not got a clue where they are :( I really need to invest in an OS map ) or sweet talk Stu :)

I'm tempted to pay £9.99 and download memory maps on my iPhone.

I'm free tomorrow evening (Wednesday 15 if anyone fancies a few hours out n about)

For that price you could throw a blanket over the area you get to download.
The braintree one sounds like our favourite with a nice long deep puddle.

Definitely wise not to go in on your own.

I am away at the inlaws this weekend otherwise I would have joined you.

Keep the 28th December free for an all day trip.

60 miles between Heddingham and stanstead.

:D:D Permission granted for the 28th :D:D
Is there still room?
Stu, thanks for the call earlier. I found that CB and will try and get one ordered and fitted before the 28th thats my wife's Christmas present sorted:eek:

Brain, sounds like we are talking about the same lane nr Braintree. Glad i wasn't in a brave, stupid? mood.

Hopefully get a chance to join in one evening before hand but if not see you on the 28th.

Cheers Nick.
:D:D Permission granted for the 28th :D:D
Is there still room?
Stu, thanks for the call earlier. I found that CB and will try and get one ordered and fitted before the 28th thats my wife's Christmas present sorted:eek:

Brain, sounds like we are talking about the same lane nr Braintree. Glad i wasn't in a brave, stupid? mood.

Hopefully get a chance to join in one evening before hand but if not see you on the 28th.

Cheers Nick.

Still room mate. Will be great to see ya.

I know Guy is looking to go out for an evening before the 28th so perhaps there could be a trip for you to join.
:D:D Permission granted for the 28th :D:D
Is there still room?
Stu, thanks for the call earlier. I found that CB and will try and get one ordered and fitted before the 28th thats my wife's Christmas present sorted:eek:

Brain, sounds like we are talking about the same lane nr Braintree. Glad i wasn't in a brave, stupid? mood.

Hopefully get a chance to join in one evening before hand but if not see you on the 28th.

Cheers Nick.

Thats good news, should be agreat day, and a xmas present sorted as well.

hope to catch up with you some time before the 28th
Yep excatly what i have.
Was going with the grill and door idea. But thinking instead of the door attach them through the roof lining so the lights are still visable with the door open.
Yep excatly what i have.
Was going with the grill and door idea. But thinking instead of the door attach them through the roof lining so the lights are still visable with the door open.

Thats where I would put them , I was also thinking about a rear light bar, with a couple of work lights on, then putting the stobes on there.

you will have aircraft landing on the roof with those.

Hi Guy sent that dvd yesterday put all the odds and sods on there from Bures and laning.
Will get some better ones when we are out next, hopefully a day before 28th.
what about a late afternoon / early evening trip one day next week, could end with a pub nosh up, any day is good for me, gonna get an os of the area we done sunday and try and plan something.
Cheers mate, appreciate that, Thank you.

How about next Wednesday 22nd December meet @ 16hrs give or take 30mins for chris :)

you can decide the meeting point Geoff :)

(sorry if your working **BIG STU 12** but I missed the last one lol)

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