It's staying like that for the foreseeable future. I may need to sell it and buy a sensible car so it don't cost £25 a time for my missus to get to work.
Been enjoying driving mine again this week.
Mostly just to work and a couple of errands.
Took it to town last night for dinner with the misses was getting nearly as much attention as a 12 plate Lamborghini.

Was especially useful in a packed Tolgate yesterday


However as fun as it is seeing how much attention it gets it does just seem to be used as a daily work hack and nothing more.

So reckon I'll be puting the old girl up for sale once I've sorted a few bits out.
Depends on if I can get what I want for it complete really
He won't know till over the next few months he has replaced all his bearings, brake pads and ujs, but they will be put down to normal wear and tear. :lol:
You dont go off roading and expect no maintenance lol
You may as well say by not wheel spinning youll never have to replace car tyres ever!
No didn't kill it.
was watching a group of chaps in challenge trucks those things are pretty awesome.they made some of the climbs look **** easy.
gutted why did my mate have to move house on a bures day id have gone. sunday 23rd is the next one il defo be going to that i dont find it too bad for ware so long as you was the truck well. (accept the brake pads)
Sorry for delay I have to come on here between work.
No I went on my own as I'm fairly new to land rovers and none of my mate's are petrol heads and they're not interested.I would be up for tagging along with you chaps if your going on the 23rd.
Think your right about the brake pads my brakes felt awful on the way home for a few miles.I've got new discs and pads at home waiting to go on.
yer im up for the 23rd just check the ware on ur pads if there is enough meet save the new ones for after the bures season :)
I've been. It was in the late summer and I was the only one there. I managed to get stuck and when I called up for a tow, the tow guy had buggered off to the races for the day.

It's pretty tame but would be better this time of year than when I went.

Maybe with more people there would be a tow available as well :)
I went about six months ago and I also was The only one there. It's alright for a beginner or if your testing out a new car but you'll be bored within the hour.

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