Just an update of Graham's defender.... when I left we'd swapped the 200 for the 300, new clutch, new seals, re-location bracket fitted for conversion. Top hose, wires, coolant hose, etc.... I think there is a little more wiring to do and a bit more plumbing then the final tinkering - hopefully all will then be good :D :)
Yep, and Dean and I had to work on ours outside our own unit thanks to you lot LOL

Well done though it seemed to go well so far. I dont envy him kipping up there tho!

Only Pic i took:


And after 3 days solid on my Disco with Mikey, i broke down this morning :( Had fuel starvation so blanked off the Sedimentor unit and changed the lift pump. All seems OK again but as its a Land Rover, itll kick me in the balls again soon im sure. But i had it all cleaned as it was truly minging inside and out. The Kosivans thought so too. He didnt really want to do inside but i offered him more cash and he did it LOL Any way here it is all clean :)



Had a real ****e morning. Borrowed a mates audi and it breaks down on me. Sat on the a12 now awaiting recovery....... as for the AA - I'll moan about them later!!
we were split into groups, we met up for exchanging routes and for a chat, don't assume things... were a sensible bunch
the only assumption i would have made is as you state, 2 groups, the antis would see different, and im quite sure you are a sensible bunch

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