Ok shall I organise it for Tuesday night (7pm) ..... Its gonna be a dark one! So torches and wellies at the ready. (I only know of one lane that will take apron 35 mins each way (near Braintree). So we could meet at the cross keys pub White notley. (I will be there, even if I'm on my own)

If you pm me to let me know i'll give you my mobile number (and hopefully you guys will know of some other lanes)

See you Tuesday 12th October - cross keys pub, White notley - 7pm

I will PM you my number, I should be home in time as I am in Northamptonshire on Tuesday so not too far.
Working in Colchester tuesday so ill take the 90 and try and meet you all at the pub,is the cross keys the pub next to the little old post office.
Ok shall I organise it for Tuesday night (7pm) ..... Its gonna be a dark one! So torches and wellies at the ready. (I only know of one lane that will take apron 35 mins each way (near Braintree). So we could meet at the cross keys pub White notley. (I will be there, even if I'm on my own)

If you pm me to let me know i'll give you my mobile number (and hopefully you guys will know of some other lanes)

See you Tuesday 12th October - cross keys pub, White notley - 7pm


Please tell me this aint too scratchy i've only just t.cut the scratch's out from last time out.
Tuesday it is then. The only lane I know is a little scratchy! Will see you all at 7pm cross keys pub, yeah it's the pub next to the little post office. Can't wait! Never been out as a group before. Will be good to meet ya all.
Tuesday it is then. The only lane I know is a little scratchy! Will see you all at 7pm cross keys pub, yeah it's the pub next to the little post office. Can't wait! Never been out as a group before. Will be good to meet ya all.

What lane is it. If I get a chance ill have a look on trailwise to see if there are any others. Am assuming you've checked this lane is kosher to drive, don't want plod giving us any grief.
Big stu reading your thread you now have memory map, have you any maps? if so maybe you could have a look and see if you can find any other lanes, or if anyone else could point us in the direction of anything worth driving that would also be good.

thank you.
tuesday is a date then.
Yeah lane is open til 1st November. (but it's the only lane I know in area) there must be more!! So if any of you know some "let's do them too" my lane will probably only take 30 mins or so. (unles we do it both ways) (that's what me & the mrs do! Lol
Braintree.... now theres a blast from the past.. was working on the **** farm years ago 4 week contract and done sod all cept fer a couple of hours ere n there and got in with the barmaid.. perks of the job :D
I am up for the meeting on tuesday night.

may I tag along?

Its an open invite mate, would be good to meet ya.

Of course its good practice to not do lanes too heavy handed, but I dont expect more than 4 or 5 of us to turn up.

Perhaps a quick shandy ;) before we leave to discuss the route and introduce ourselves, as we are using the pubs car park to meet.
Oh and I have a map of the area with the lanes highlighted.

I'll have a go at fitting my CB on Monday evening then.

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