Can I tag along from Braintree? I've not got a snorkel so if Violet's too deep I may have to meet you at the other end. I can do Saturday.
hello all

i was passenger in the discovery going through vilots that sunk !!!! we just lost traction come to a hault and before we new it the car was filling up with unburnt dev smoke not nice to we climbed out the windows sat on the doors why a mate climbed across the roof to get the strap and as this was happening the glovebox was submerged we got pulled out i me and matt got out and it was waist height good nite though

hello all

i was passenger in the discovery going through vilots that sunk !!!! we just lost traction come to a hault and before we new it the car was filling up with unburnt dev smoke not nice to we climbed out the windows sat on the doors why a mate climbed across the roof to get the strap and as this was happening the glovebox was submerged we got pulled out i me and matt got out and it was waist height good nite though


Did the disco come out unscathed apart from a soggy interior.
Cheers fella im there! Mondays best for me, Sunday PM (a few of us, me, brian, mikey, are out saturday night) second choice?
I know whats going to happen, my alternator will pack up, and ECU probably. But bollox let me know what day.
Dan you can get in with me, eat plenty of pies, i think we will need weighing down so we don't float away, if tuskens vid is anything to go by.

Where is your ECU? Pull out as much of the loom as you can and lift it as high as possible, a few inches may save alot of hassle. A bag and some tape wont hurt.

I'm hoping the rust in my boot doesn't let in too much water! thats if it runs ok, fingers crossed...

well as we were pulled backwards the osf door opened and the pressure of the water broke the hinge and bent the door a bit but apart from that

tip for you all thought keep LEFT !!!

How modified was the disco? I have got a decent suspension setup which allows lots of droop, I'm hoping I can maintain a bit of traction when im 'floating', those pictures didn't look too great!
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Where is your ECU? Pull out as much of the loom as you can and lift it as high as possible, a few inches may save alot of hassle. A bag and some tape wont hurt.

I'm hoping the rust in my boot doesn't let in too much water! thats if it runs ok, fingers crossed...

How modified was the disco? I have got a decent suspension setup which allows lots of droop, I'm hoping I can maintain a bit of traction when im 'floating', those pictures didn't look too great!

Its under the drivers seat and no slack on the loom.
Its under the drivers seat and no slack on the loom.

There's an 'extender' loom you can buy to shift the ECU and put it where you want it, within reason. Many CCV vehicles have them high up in the backs of the seats ..
A couple of us from Herts will be along to Violets Lane on Sunday, will look out for you.

I don't have any of this modern fancy ECU stuff, so happy days.
Its under the drivers seat and no slack on the loom.

Was thinking geof could you not seal the ecu in a heavy duty bag sealed with a cable tie and some silicone so could be removed after, or even could the cable be pulled back from under the seat and moved higher up in somewhere like the dashboard once again sealed in a bag?
Well a12s shut, a120s shut, tip tree, earls colne and chappel all shut due to flooding! Anyone going out today?
My friend in Ardleigh just contacted me, her house is completely flooded and still rising, up to kitchen draw level, fire brigade supplying sandbags but can't pump it out at the moment as the water is still coming in :(
Was thinking geof could you not seal the ecu in a heavy duty bag sealed with a cable tie and some silicone so could be removed after, or even could the cable be pulled back from under the seat and moved higher up in somewhere like the dashboard once again sealed in a bag?

Does the loom come through the bulkhead or does it run via the floor? I would look at freeing off the loom and running it under the dash if possible. If not then bag it, cable tie it with plenty of excess bag, fill that bit with grease and then cable tie it again, kind of like a grease filled airlockif you get what I mean, this should seal it...

Do ecu's create any heat, is it ok to seal them? Don't know myself,just a thought.

Not really, not that would be a problem anyway... Idealy its moving them out the way but bagging is fine... With yours I would bag the dizzy, cut some holes for the leads and cable tie each one, grease up the plug leads e.t.c. and it 'should' be ok, only takes a few drops of water though (as you see in sailsbury!)
I think mhm makes them on here Geoff, but in saying that I think you knew that anyway.

There is this one, its pricey but no doubt a pucka setup


Personally I think I would make my own, it would be quite time consuming and you will need to make sure all the connections are top notch but its fairly easy, would cost less than £50 but would mean you lose all the colour coding on the cables... (unless you buy 30 different colour reels!!)

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