Just got to a holiday cottage in the lake district, but no snow :eek:
Hoping to take a few short cuts tomorrow. Essex & suffolk councils could learn a lot from how Cumbria CC manage their lanes.
Just got to a holiday cottage in the lake district, but no snow :eek:
Hoping to take a few short cuts tomorrow. Essex & suffolk councils could learn a lot from how Cumbria CC manage their lanes.

there are lots of lanes and UCR up there been a few times the councils and National PArks website is very good all the legal Byways and UCRs are listed I can email you and MM overlay if you have it with you.
Beaware there are some very tricky lanes some best not ventured onto alone as no phone signal and very tricky/tight, we had to help the disco that was in our group several times and it was not standard and the guy knows how to drive.
there are lots of lanes and UCR up there been a few times the councils and National PArks website is very good all the legal Byways and UCRs are listed I can email you and MM overlay if you have it with you.
Beaware there are some very tricky lanes some best not ventured onto alone as no phone signal and very tricky/tight, we had to help the disco that was in our group several times and it was not standard and the guy knows how to drive.

We found the snow today. Very frozen and very slippy, found one of the lanes on route today purely coincidence of course :rolleyes: but thought better of it ( getting dark and obviously on our own.
Well turns out the cam belt had managed to slip 3 teeth off the crank. Total damage, one snapped rocker and three bent push rods.
So glad I still had my spare head. Swapped the broken bits around and happy to say the truck seems to be working well again, for now lol.
Well turns out the cam belt had managed to slip 3 teeth off the crank. Total damage, one snapped rocker and three bent push rods.
So glad I still had my spare head. Swapped the broken bits around and happy to say the truck seems to be working well again, for now lol.

Thats great news!
Glad to hear your up and running :)
Well turns out the cam belt had managed to slip 3 teeth off the crank. Total damage, one snapped rocker and three bent push rods.
So glad I still had my spare head. Swapped the broken bits around and happy to say the truck seems to be working well again, for now lol.

Blimey 3 teeth :eek:! Glad Tiny lives again :D

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