Hi people,

I have Memory Maps on my laptop with GPS and have highlighted all the byways, UCR, and Fords in Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Kent and some of Herts if that helps.

Have you checked out the TRO's ? and have the list of them, before you go down any Lanes make sure you have a right of way as a Map can not be trusted.
Just spoke to my brother and he is jumping in with me, so If needed we can lead/navigate. I have all the lanes highlighted on MM so if you have no route in mind tomorrow morning at Mcd we can all pick which ones to do and sort a route from there.
Sorry Just cross with your reply bigstu. I have done 90% of the lanes in essex and have duly noted any TRO's etc I come across on MM. but if your asking if I have spoken to ROW officer re all the lanes then no I haven't. hopefully with the knowledge of you guys we should be O.k for tomorrow.:)
Sorry Just cross with your reply bigstu. I have done 90% of the lanes in essex and have duly noted any TRO's etc I come across on MM. but if your asking if I have spoken to ROW officer re all the lanes then no I haven't. hopefully with the knowledge of you guys we should be O.k for tomorrow.:)

Traffic Restriction Orders, can only reliably be checked with the ROW Officer at the council concerned, and against the definitive map in his control, and this does change as the ROW's change, some of us know the TRO's that are in order, on certain lanes that we use and have checked.

Be carefull as it can be an expensive mistake if you get it wrong, with a section 21 slaped on you/your Landy ( think its 21 off top of my head).
Bigstu I have just read my reply back :frusty::frusty::frusty:- When I said "Cross with your reply" I meant my previous post re my brother coming along was at the same time as you previous post - not regarding my feelings regarding your post! Really sorry if you took it that way I not the sort of person to come on here telling people with a lot more experience than me that I know everything. I hope you can see what I meant!
What I meant was that my reply had just crossed with your post and that by saying that me and my brother could navigate wasn't ignoring you advise.:)
I cant believe my post read like that, what a way to start on the forum! I hope you can see my typo I meant Crossed not CROSS! with his reply:eek:

Dan they are pulling your chain, he's called big stu because he's a big softie.
see you in morning, nice one with the maps.
More to the point..... how's yours :D

Have you valeted it yet? You need to do mine once I've finished making a mess inside it ;)
yes mine all good yes did spend a few hours on it today got 10 years of crap of it and looks much better went down the barn again today to get the pump wound up and spent a hour just chatting to chriss so didnt get anything done .
mate more than happy to do yours when ever you ready :) let me know
tried sorting out some suspension today and what a task that ended up to be no one has a full set most ppl have either ,or but not all 4 so its still sitting in road guise
tried sorting out some suspension today and what a task that ended up to be no one has a full set most ppl have either ,or but not all 4 so its still sitting in road guise

I had a set of Terrafirma +2" in stock yesterday, forgot to tell you. They were sold though this morning :doh:

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