Good news folks!

Right... ropes! I have a nice big pile of the buggers currently killing off the lawn! 100 or more of them, about 15ft long, unspliced.


This is what most ends look like, some are a bit more shabby but very easy to splice:


CharlesY's neat handiwork on this double length section:


Camped at CharlesY's the other night and after talking about it with him he would rather see them go at £2 each to LZers. It was lucky I was passing, otherwise we would have had to pay roughly £100 to send the pallet this far south!! They are bloody heavy I can tell you (not good news when your brake pipe splits in 2 on the motorway :eek:).

Its been a while since we last talked about them and I can't find a complete list of how many everyone wanted so can you let me know (and any preference in colour) and I will start sorting them out. you far from the A14?I'm going to Harwich sunday..would like a couple if possible...??? you far from the A14?I'm going to Harwich sunday..would like a couple if possible...???

Should be able to sort something out for you.. but not entirely sure how many I will have spare. Will probably add an extra 20-30mins driving time. Im a little way SW of Cambridge.
Can you pm me your postcode and i'll see if its worth a little detour? I'll be coming up from london so may be a bit nearer than you think...or not!

About 11 i'd imagine..
Think I put down for 2 before. Will go with that, though at £2 a go I'll be happy to take a couple extra. Black prefered please.

ok my god what a wicked night last night had a lot of fun and thanks to Guy for being my chauffer for the night and put some faces to the names Big Stu and Co-Pang-Yang and a few others :)
Looks like a fun evening out with some new faces (gutted I missed it).

I was planning on visiting newbourne this Sunday.
But was talking to Matt earlier and if enough interest we may go for a days laning around Essex instead. Could pick up where we left off 2 - 3 months ago (I still have the route).

Let me know if your interested.
So far:
Looks like a fun evening out with some new faces (gutted I missed it).

I was planning on visiting newbourne this Sunday.
But was talking to Matt earlier and if enough interest we may go for a days laning around Essex instead. Could pick up where we left off 2 - 3 months ago (I still have the route).

Let me know if your interested.
So far:

I am doing the SULSAR training on the Sunday and the TYRO at Newbourne on the Saturday... well my little one is driving, be her frist time driving a car.....

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