i no but like she keeps saying shes not happy n although shes still with him, i love her. and she keeps saying shes made the biggest mistake ever
If she had any genuine feelings for you she would not still be with this other guy. Forget about her.
i no but like she keeps saying shes not happy n although shes still with him, i love her. and she keeps saying shes made the biggest mistake ever

she made such a mistake she still with him :rolleyes: she would cheat on him with you, therefore she has no morals and will cheat on you :rolleyes:

get yaself to amsterdam, pays yer 50 euro's, and nail the ass off the nicest red window girl ya can. you'll soon forget 'love' and realise life is fer living!!
i no but like she keeps saying shes not happy n although shes still with him, i love her. and she keeps saying shes made the biggest mistake ever

She bein a greedy mare :)... tell her to leave ya alone... before you end up hatin her for bein a pain in the a***
she made such a mistake she still with him :rolleyes: she would cheat on him with you, therefore she has no morals and will cheat on you :rolleyes:

i no she was never like this when we wernt together i mean she has onli been public with him for 2 weeks but its gone on longer than that :( the thing is are relationship worked on trust us we cudnt be together all the time as she lived 80miles away. no the trust is gone i feel horrible but no matter what i do i cant take my mind off her
i no she was never like this when we wernt together i mean she has onli been public with him for 2 weeks but its gone on longer than that :( the thing is are relationship worked on trust us we cudnt be together all the time as she lived 80miles away. no the trust is gone i feel horrible but no matter what i do i cant take my mind off her

Go and have a one nighter you will soon forget then ;) :eek::eek::eek:
haha thats behind the whole ex ex thing but i dont have any feeling for her and she still loves me and i dont want to hurt even thoshe cheated on me aswell
yer only young, dont be stressin about women and relationships. those things take valuable time and money away from the important things in life - time with family an mates. apparently the right woman will come and find you when the time is right, i think thats a myth but hey ho :D

had domino's last nite an it tasted a bit poo so not gonna have 1 for a while, think i need to find a new take-away :(

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