
Hi All

Just thought I’d pose the question before I have time at the weekend to investigate.

My Disco3 has developed a fault in the parking brake system whereby on applying the brake I get the orange and red lamps flashing and the brake doesn’t come on until I remove the ignition key, then all is well until the next time I want to use the brake.

Incidentally I use the parking brake as little as necessary due to the horror stories about it not releasing, most likely when you’re in heavy traffic in a town centre etc.

Sorry if this has been covered already but had a quick look and didn’t notice any relevant posts.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
If there warning lights, then there will be codes to read.

Communication loss with other modules can cause issues, so a full systems diagnostic read is the place to start.
The shoes need adjusting annually, failure to do so can cause issues.
Does it screech when applied?

Codes will be your starting point, might have to clear, try brake and see waht new codes come back.
The shoes need adjusting annually, failure to do so can cause issues.

After a while you get a feel for how long the motor runs, before cutting out. There's a reasonable run time difference between newly adjusted and just about to howl as the gears slip.:eek:
The shoes need adjusting annually, failure to do so can cause issues.
Does it screech when applied?

Codes will be your starting point, might have to clear, try brake and see waht new codes come back.
No screeching noises just seems to operate normally as soon as the ignition key is removed.
Will check codes at the weekend.
Only code was U2002 'General Switch Fault'
I presume that indicates a wiring fault anywhere between the switch and the module?
I believe that the switch has 2 sets of contacts/switches, if 1 is faulty it will show an amber warning pretty sure I read that in the manual.

I don’t have access to docs right now and that’s for the L322 but would guess similar setup.
So would certainly agree with ^^^^ about checking switch first.

I think you’re both right about it being the actual switch.

I had to go out this afternoon and while I was waiting to pick the wife up I had a play with the loom at the rear of the switch and when I arrived home it worked ok.

I’m sure by tweaking the loom at the switch end wouldn’t have moved it at the other end so I may be lucky.

I’ll have the switch off tomorrow and check.

Thanks both.
I thought I’d leave it a few days before posting the outcome.
I removed the switch about a week ago and not finding any wiring faults, I just gave the plug and the switch contacts a good squirt of contact cleaner and it’s behaved itself ever since.
I feel extremely fortunate that it was nothing more complex.
Now I just need to tackle the pesky SRS light before the MoT is due.
Thanks again for all contributions.

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