
New Member
I have just become the proud owner of an Autel Maxiscan MS509 Scan tool, which I was hoping to use with my 2000 1.8 Freelander.

After multiple attempts to get it connected, I simply can't get it to 'talk' to the vehicle.

Does anyone know if these (pre-MEMS 3) vehicles are actually OBD or EOBD compliant? I supect that (in classic Rover fashion) they have installed a standard EOBD connector - but not included the protocol in the ECU.

As always, any wisdom gratefully received.


On early vehicles the connector is not fully wired because it was used for Testbook only. Later the 16 pin connector was adopted for eobd and from then on has updated wiring.
OBDII was only mandatory for petrol cars from 2001, and diesel cars from 2004.

Your 2000 1.8 K Series with MEMS1.9 is therefore not OBDII protocol compliant.
Cheers for the replies.

Ho, hum - at least the scanner should work with the wife's Mini!



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