i think weve had enough of the ice and snow now

landy has been stood for 2 weeks so as were out on the plains tomoro i thought id give it the once over

that is when i get into the fooker,water had run down the inside of the door frame and iced up they were goin nowhere..

had to get me heat gun out..got in thru the bk door and managed to push drivers door from inside.there was a lot of ice in there..

so deiced everything went to garage to fuel up to save time in morn..
ohh ffs the fuel cap is stuck solid,deicer,wd40 nothing was budging it,so back home again and out with the heat gun.
on the way home battery light came on.ffs what now bloody alternator belt has came off.so in the morn thats another job i gotta do.

have cove rd landy with 6 sheets to hoefully cut down on deicing in the morn.

are others experiencing probs with door freezing up this bad
not doors, but had the same problem with fuel cap the other night. I just heated up the key with a lighter. worked, and then refroze later. Prob have to do it again tonight as I to need to fill up before an early start tomorrow. Going out now to fabricate a makeshift rab blanket out of something I can find.

i think weve had enough of the ice and snow now

landy has been stood for 2 weeks so as were out on the plains tomoro i thought id give it the once over

that is when i get into the fooker,water had run down the inside of the door frame and iced up they were goin nowhere..

had to get me heat gun out..got in thru the bk door and managed to push drivers door from inside.there was a lot of ice in there..

so deiced everything went to garage to fuel up to save time in morn..
ohh ffs the fuel cap is stuck solid,deicer,wd40 nothing was budging it,so back home again and out with the heat gun.
on the way home battery light came on.ffs what now bloody alternator belt has came off.so in the morn thats another job i gotta do.

have cove rd landy with 6 sheets to hoefully cut down on deicing in the morn.

are others experiencing probs with door freezing up this bad

Only if It's been stood a few days in the cold or if I've been lugging wet wood around in it. When I went out to it on wednesday the door locks, buttons, door seals and inside all the windows were frozen. As mines being used 18 hours a day at the moment it's been fine the last couple of days.
yep i had same problem with doors etc..

its fine when i remember to wd40 the locks every dayish, but when i dont its ******* annoying.

and had the same prob with the filler cap last night, drove to petrol station just to fill up, looked like an idiot trying to get the key in... decided to come back home sprayed it with wd40 even though it was still frozen and then to get the misses' hair dryer on it this morning but it opened fine.

If there is a trick to the locks not freezing etc, i would love to know!
Frozen fuel filler - had to resort to using de-icer on forecourt!!! Nice . . . Thing that is really p*ssing me off are the icicles from the sunroof - or more to the point, when they start to thaw!!!!
o, and i forgot, thee most annoying thing is the door button if i forget to de ice or wd40 it , when i open and then try and shut it the button gets stuck in so spend 5 mins teasing it out.. one morning happened about 3 or 4 times as i was jump starting it and getting in and out..

lol typical, my wipers wont work and when i put in a new motor they go in the opposite direction and i have no lights , just when you need your landy the most they let you down lol
I could'nt get either of mi front doors open on mi pickup the other day iced up solid they were, had to squeeze through sliding window from the rear tub and back out again afterwards :D
Yes a couple of weeks ago the driver door and the fuel cap lock. Eventually got them free and since I have put WD40 in them I've not had the problem and the weather has been worse on a couple of occasions since :)
Doors frozen solid , not too bad with the buttons and no probs with the fuel cap .... yet , but more snow forcast for my area so bring it on I say :D
Well i just tried my fuel lock after its not been used for a few days, worked fine. drove the 5 minutes to ASDA and it was ****ed again! :( bloke behind me had some hot water and it was just enough to get it undone. was it the passing wind chill or something? how can 5min of driving at 30mph do that?! beats me. Think im going to order a non-locking fuel cap as a spare for just these events!

Well i just tried my fuel lock after its not been used for a few days, worked fine. drove the 5 minutes to ASDA and it was ****ed again! :( bloke behind me had some hot water and it was just enough to get it undone. was it the passing wind chill or something? how can 5min of driving at 30mph do that?! beats me. Think im going to order a non-locking fuel cap as a spare for just these events!


Dip ya key in concentrated antifreeze and insert in lock that'll cure it.
Griff take off your cap and remove the 2 screws on the plate keeping it faceing towards ya remove the lock arm its only shapped bit of bar , refit the screws and presto no locking cap :D
Mines been fine, mind you changed all me door seals last month so that probably helps, all me locks n buttons are well greased so no problem there either but me alternator just went tits up LOL
I have not had any problems with locks or owt. Thinking back, three weeks ago or so I did a service, and greased everything up. So am pretty greatful for that, after hearing ya stories. I have in past two days had engine issue. Well, it struggles for few seconds when starting up first thing, but always starts first time still.
The door lock on driver side freezes up, but passenger side okay. Haven't had any probs with the fuel cap lock..... might be summit tae do wi' havin' one o' Defendoors' covers on...


Did notice tonight when ah went fur fuel that the filler tube had iced up inside a wee bit!

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