
New Member

Was driving the landrover yesterday and noticed that after driving for 5 Min's the engine temp went up to just under the red for about 20 seconds then went back to 1/2 way on dial, then a minute later it went back up again, then after about 20 seconds again went back to just above 1/2 way on dial, it then kept going up and down slightly every so often after that.

I have recently had the head gasket changed, and the head skimmed.

Ant ideas why this could be happening and if it has anything to do with the work just been carried out?


first guess would be a dogey thermostat or was the head gasket put on the right way round???
Well i did not do it myself, took it to a landrover specialist (as my mate works for them so i got a good discount :) )
I will ask them what they think is wrong as it could be something they have done.
My dad took the landy out today and he thinks that it has also lost alot of power, why would this be??

Sorry for all the questions but im still learning.


ello Scott
Does it have an electric fan? maybe a dodgy sender, or if it's an aftermarket electric with a variable temp setting maybe they moved the control setting.

It might also be something to do with an original problem that caused the head gasket to go and that's not been found yet... a hg often goes because something else is overstressing it.

Hopefully you've got a simpler reason than my 300Tdi which has lost power after needed a new gasket & skim... cracked head. Expensive and do it all again. Good luck!
i have just suffered from the same thing so i changed the coolant flushed the system added some coolant cooler changed the sender unit gasp fitted a kenlowe fan and guess what ?????

it was the spade connector on the end of the sender :(

I changed the temperature sensor on mine, it still shows as running slightly under the red, however it doesnt jump all over the place any more.
A mate of mine said not to worry about the high engine temp as he also has a V8 and that also runs on a high temp.
Can someone tell me where it shuld be running at??

you can get a coolant additive that drops the temp by 15 degrees that might help your heart racing every time it gets near the red:D

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