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I currently have a 2.5 N/A diesel in my 90. My problem, is that in France you need to have the vehicle registered to certain standards, not like in the UK, where you do an engine swap, and they are very happy for you, over here it's more "Oh, brilliant. Now, go park it up somewhere, off the road, this vehicle is not suitable for road use, go fk yourself :)"
I'm wondering, if anyone knows how i could get it done. Because some people say i can do it, others say i cannot. I'm extremely confused now.
I want to put a 200TDI disco engine in to an early 90, 2.5 N/A.
Also, i do not mind re-doing the Carte Grise for the vehicle, because it needs to be renewed to my name anyway.

hi i bought a 1987 landrover 90 with the 2.5td engine in it, i've since converted it to a 300tdi as the other engine broke down but if i were you and your engine still works, sort the carte gris out then just change the engine. Its always easier to register something when its standard.
Just want to ask, have you been back for an MOT if so, did they pick up on the fact that the engine is not standard? because they may pick up on the fact that i have a turbo on what is as standard a 2.5 non turbo.
hi again i bought the land rover in Switzerland so had to go the the import/export office to get checked and even they didn't know that it had an engine change but you can probably change it on carte grise, but as a 300tdi is still a 2.5tdi its almost the same thing. You should go to your local prefecture and ask there advice on changing it.
If you dont mind me asking where abouts in france are you?
So if i go to get an MOT done, they will not pick up on the fact that the engine is non standard? because in that case i think what i will do, is swap the engine out and keep the 2.5N/A, get the 2ootdi engine hooked up, do the MOT, if it fails, replace the engine back to the 2.5 N/A only if it fails. You see what concerns me is that over here a friend explained to me that they use a reference book to see what vehicles should have what engine. So if i keep the 2.5 N/A then i have that engine to fall back on and avoid rendering the car useless, if you see what i mean. Have you been back for MOT yet and if so, did they check any form of reference codes or anything like that?

I didnt see him check any of the reference codes on the landy but its due another ct in another couple of months.
I live in bretagne, i dont see many landrovers where i live so the ct garage might not be right up on them.
good idea keeping the other engine just incase i could probably swap mine in and out in a weekend now if i had the other engine fixed.
After looking at this with a bit of sense, there is no way they could pick up on the fact that its a 200tdi, because my landy is known as a LANDROVER2L5, 2L5 meaning 2.5 liter, the 2ootdi is 2.5l. The only thing that would be a failed MOT is if i were to put a V8 in, because it would be marked number of cylinders, engine capacity and what fuel it uses. But there is no indication, in my case, that the engine was non-standard. I will go ahead with the swap, and if it fails, well.. balls. but i still have the backup engine, so it is all okay. Thanks for your help, very useful advice :)
Just a thought here, I guess your 2.5 n/a 90 could well be over 30 years old?? If so it would qualify as a collectable, vehicule de collection, that at least would mean you would only need a control technique every 5 years I think and it may well be that an engine swap even if noted would be acceptable.

Just a thought.
Almost, it's a 1986, so 29 years old, the poor bus :)
Does not look in a sorry state, mind:


Anyway, i think you might be right with that one. I'll look in to it. Thanks, appreciate the comment.
Just do it and don't say anything ! I know at least 10 people that have done this conversion and have never had any bother !
Yep, decided i will go ahead and do it, because if you look at the Carte Grise it only says that the engine is a diesel, and a 2.5l, so nothing to indicate that it were non standard. Thanks for the comment :)
Am i safe to do the swap or not? I don't want to have a failing CT and have to swap the engine BACK out, but you reckon i could get away with it?
Technically, if you swap the engine for a different unit, it has to go through a mechanical examination at the DRIRE, not a simple process and no guarantee that they will pass it. I would have done an engine swap my Hyundai Galloper if it was easy. If the engine vehicle combination is not homologated in France it's even more of a problem.
If you do it without telling them, it will be a matter of luck, the computer at the CT centre comes up with lots of vehicle info, if they spot the difference you are in the brown stuff.
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Yep, decided i will go ahead and do it, because if you look at the Carte Grise it only says that the engine is a diesel, and a 2.5l, so nothing to indicate that it were non standard. Thanks for the comment :)
Good luck, put the old engine number on the new unit in case they check:rolleyes:

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