
New Member
Hi folks, I have a really irritating squeal during light acceleration or cruising. I have changed the exhaust manifold, checked the belt for wear and the condition of all the pulleys. Annoyingly, when idling and then revving there is no squeal to help identify the source, and when driving the squeal stops if acceleration is heavy (under load) or when it's squealing and I take my foot off the pedal it stops immediately. Think it's something in the fuel system, but hopefully someone has had the same problem and can point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance, Phil.
I had the same with a Britpart belt I put on when I serviced the truck, changed the pulleys, tensioner etc... before I found it.
Put a dayco belt on, no squeal.
Britpart belt sounded like I had trapped an angry cage of budgies under the bonnet.

Dunno if it might help you, but it’s a relatively cheap thing to try.
I had the same with a Britpart belt I put on when I serviced the truck, changed the pulleys, tensioner etc... before I found it.
Put a dayco belt on, no squeal.
Britpart belt sounded like I had trapped an angry cage of budgies under the bonnet.

Dunno if it might help you, but it’s a relatively cheap thing to try.
Thanks for that, willing to give anything a try.
Was the replacement manifodl machined flat?
Were all the studs nice and tight and I mean really nice and tight in the head?
Brand new manifold and new serrated nuts, and the squeal was exactly the same pitch.

If you think about it under load theres only two systems really under any pressure, the exhaust manfold and its gaskets incl egr and the entire intercooler system from turbo to the cylinder head.

I Mate I know has had many issues with manifolds incl new ones and the ceramic coated ones and also reckons the stainless ones are ****e.
Check your front prop double cardon joint mine was doing the same went through all your checks and nothing was seeming to work then noticed when underneath that the Ujs where rusty further prodding found that one had failed and worn down to a tooth pick
If you think about it under load theres only two systems really under any pressure, the exhaust manfold and its gaskets incl egr and the entire intercooler system from turbo to the cylinder head.

I Mate I know has had many issues with manifolds incl new ones and the ceramic coated ones and also reckons the stainless ones are ****e.
I will double check it today, under load it's fine but squeals most when just cruising.
Check your front prop double cardon joint mine was doing the same went through all your checks and nothing was seeming to work then noticed when underneath that the Ujs where rusty further prodding found that one had failed and worn down to a tooth pick
Will definitely check them out today, thanks for the reply.

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