
Well-Known Member
I had an interesting experience on the way to work this morning. I stopped at a set of traffic lights and my engine suddenly started to runaway producing clouds of smoke. I turned of the ignition which had no effect, so I changed into 5th and dumped the clutch to stall her.
Engine is a 2.5 NA. As I was on a slight hill, my plan was then to roll down a bit and get off the road but I could not get the momentum to do this, so I restarted the engine and moved offroad. To my surprise, apart from sounding a bit lumpy, the engine seemed to be running ok. I then drove home about 1-2 miles. The engine was smoking a bit but made it home without event. When home, I removed the oil cap expecting to see clouds of smoke, but breathing seemed normal.
I was thinking a cracked piston, but I would have expected to see more smoke etc. I wonder if this is a consequence of my recent glowplug disintegration (I had suspected that part of it remained in the cylinder). Most annoying thing is that I was intending to buy a replacement 200 TDI from Scotland but I’m unlikely to be able to pick it up now.
Surely you would had a giant bang with a catastrophic piston failure? But it does sounds like one of those crazy turbo diesel runaways you see videos about.
Good job you got it stopped.

As soon as I saw the smoke, I knew it was running on it's own oil so I did not expect turning it off to work. Even as I was turning the key, I had the clutch in and was changing gear. There was a car about 6 feet in front of me, so if it had not stalled, it would not have been fun. I think it would be far more challanging if you were on the move though as you would need to find somewhere to pull over safely etc.

I was surprised it started ok and ran again ;)

Where were you going to pick the engine up from?

Newton Stewart -> Newcastle
Ah no idea where newton Stewart is. If it was closer to me I could have helped you out as north east ain't that far to drive
Ah no idea where newton Stewart is. If it was closer to me I could have helped you out as north east ain't that far to drive

Nice of you to offer though, so thanks anyway mate. Hopefully I can come to some arrangment with the seller. Looks like I can probablt get it delviered. Will find out later. If I thought I could get there and get the engine in the back, I could always get recovered home but I doubt she could get me there.
I had the same with my 200tdi. It was running on it's own oil.
I'd just clean all the pipes out & start driving it again.........till the TD blows up that is.
probably a silly thought, but I had this happen at a set of lights in my grand vitara, turn off ignition, and found the rubber floor mat had got caught up on the throttle and was giving it full beans, a very quick fix
Surely you would had a giant bang with a catastrophic piston failure? But it does sounds like one of those crazy turbo diesel runaways you see videos about.

Aye but its not turbo'd which rules out the standard run away problems of the turbo oil seals failing running oil through the turbo,

Only thing I can think of is piston rings are gone or oil is making its way through the head into the engine either way a compression test would help
It was burning oil, not diesel (think massive clouds of smoke). Regardless of all else, turning off the ignition would stop the fuel solenoid which would stop all legitimate sources of fuel.
Just thinking, scince I got this new (old) head, I've been suspecting that valve stem oil seals are shot. Could this be an extreme symptom if one or more of them has gone completely?
i had a old 2.5d transit that done the same thing evry morning i drove it like that for years till the garage found the problum it turned out to be a bolt under the rockercuver that neaded titend up

if you nead eny help with a engine i no a guy in south shelds that has a 300tdi disco he mite be scraping
Just thinking, scince I got this new (old) head, I've been suspecting that valve stem oil seals are shot. Could this be an extreme symptom if one or more of them has gone completely?

No way near enough oil I shouldn't think
No way near enough oil I shouldn't think

I was on an incline at the time. Just thinking maybe one of the seals at the front has blown completely. Engine on the tilt, oil spilling down the top of the valve.

Last week I went down a very steep hill for a couple of minutes, once I levelled out and accelerated at the bottom, I was burning loads of oil for a couple of minutes.
I was on an incline at the time. Just thinking maybe one of the seals at the front has blown completely. Engine on the tilt, oil spilling down the top of the valve.

Last week I went down a very steep hill for a couple of minutes, once I levelled out and accelerated at the bottom, I was burning loads of oil for a couple of minutes.

Hmmm possibly but I doubt it the seals would have to be basically none existent

Dad says head gasket gone sucking oil into the bores
Had the same recently, turned out that the turbo was shagged and the head gasket was gone between one of the pots and the push rods.

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