
Well-Known Member
Doing a 300tdi swap in the next couple of days so I've got 2 engines to remove and 1 to refit, any tips for lifting them out. I seem to remember that there isn't anyway to attach my engine lifter to on the injector side and I've read about using the seatbelts out of the scrap disco to tie the lifter to.....

How / what have other people used?
Some body once told that there was 5ton breaking strain on seat belts. I don't know if it's true or not but I've used seat belts for engine removals, towing cars and even pulling trees out. Chains and seat belts are great for lifting engines but I wouldn't use nylon rope, I don't trust it
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Wagon straps under front and rear, connected to block and tackle and adjusted to give a level pull.
I've got a 1 tonne engine hoist for lifting it, the problems I've had in the past were levelling it up to put it back in

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